not “we all”. I know some people want to play the game for fun. And some people want to game the system, where they have a hard time losing because of this. They make premade teams of only certain classes best to optimize the game. This is anathema to the single player que. You brag about this as a high point in the game, whereas it has literally killed people. Anyways, there is no changing your mind, so the people that want a fair game must keep this issue in the eyes of blizzard.
Case In Point:
“Premade vs premade can be really fun. Honestly as a premade I rather do the great pug stomp. It’s more fun to actually watch the other side get so frustrated when you have the flag and camping them right in the graveyard. Its like taking candy from a baby. Pug stomping is best honor per hour also.”
I am not make any judgment calls on the system it self. I am not arguing if its good or bad.
I am just saying this system was no secret, and it is exactly what people signed up for.
Just wondering, what do you think killed warhammer online? Premade vs. Pugs. The zergfest of rvr was pretty underwhelming unless you were a RDPS, but thats an issue in all RvR games. What put the nail in the coffin was when you went into a warzone to get a break from the zergfest, it was all premade vs pug.
Define the people that signed up for it. I am not that people. Provide source please. If anything yes, they may be in the majority now, because the casuals have left or do not want to forum pvp. They just wanted to have fun in peace. I think more and more everyday that the way you think is going to be the majority, because people quit the game.
Perhaps they didn’t want the Vanilla experience then. Which is completely all right.
we dont have the vanilla experience now. Layering ruined that day one. Now they are talking tokens. What part of the “no change” part is not no change now.
if you want to pvp just go to retail and xp lock at 60. it will be against otherr twinks and fair and balanced.
not an option, thanks tho
quite the opposite. it comes in the same package as classic. it’s a waste not to try.
we are playing classic, talking about what some feel is wrong. If you cannot be part of the discussion then why are you here? Trolling?
so…why is it not an option? this head in sand approach to the game and artificial limitations cause a lot more harm than good to the playerbase who feel the game is a lot more restrictive than it actually is.
it seems to me that your interests aren’t as stated.
Have you seen the Bulls lately?? I see what you mean but the Bulls ain’t $hit for long long time
As I have explained before. I am not tryng to restrict premades. I want premades to face premades. If you want competition that is fine. But you do not want competition, you want baby seal clubbing. You want to farm easy honor. This realistically is no fun for you or fun for the pug. You are doing this because of the meta. You do not care about the game or the other players. You just care about the easiest path to success, regardless of game destruction.
dude just stop playing if you’re not going to premade
this game’s pvp system is trash, why are you playing for its pvp
dude stop replying if you cannot handle the topic.
Can sit and advertise all day for a WsG group. Most days we are lucky to get more then three, other days we might be able to get 8-10 but it’s a mix mash of who ever wanted to go. So making all the friends in the world isn’t going to change the fact not every server can field a perfect composition let alone a winning team that’s no better then a random pug.
so many braindead mongoloids defending stomping pugs. It is pathetic gameplay that is idiotic and I don’t get how blizzard did not change it yet. The classic devs are honestly beyond any level of idiocy now. A whole new level.
One can have plenty of friends in the game, but schedules and desire to pvp may not match up. Many in my raiding guild don’t like pvp or can’t find the right time.
the rankers in premades will never agree to premades vs premades and pugs vs pugs, you will literally never get them to even consider the idea. The inherent problem with it is that if the ques worked this way, it would most likely be less honor for the premades as the games will be too sweaty, long, more consumes popped, more gold wasted, etc. Is it more fun? yes, but they care more about ranking and honor per hour than fun until they get their desired rank and gear at which point they will probably stop queing for bgs anyways. On top of that the pug vs pug games will probably end up being better honor per hour and then the rankers are competing with lower ranked solo q’ers for honor on their server which is a problem for them. Sadly this is how classic ranking is.
Problem with the battlegrounds is very simple and quite obvious by looking at the system itself. The honor system rewards INDIVIDUAL ranking based on INDIVIDUAL accomplishment via honor gained fighting the opposing faction placing them amongst their peers. In NO WAY is the system as is designed to work with premades. Especially those that stack the brackets due to the flaw in the system which is called queue as group. Its blatent and why most pvp based games have a system quite the opposite that involves the ability to play as a preformed group. Remove group queues and solve the problem. System works as intended …