Multiple reporting

So how does reporting work?

I see someone spamming and I report them. That silences them to me until I log off.

I come back the next day and see them spamming again. Do I report them again or is it one-and-done?

I don’t want to keep seeing their spam, but adding them to the actual ignore list is impractical as it has limited space.

Does reporting someone silence the entire account, or just that one toon? and only until they log out and in again? Because I keep seeing the same spam every few minutes. The spammers don’t have that many stolen accounts!

You might be surprised. Gold selling is a billion dollar criminal enterprise.


There is a temporary ignore when right click reporting. It does last as long as you are logged in. It doesn’t hurt to report again if you do see It re happening.


Yes they do. Most gold selling groups have tens or HUNDREDS of thousands of stolen accounts ready to go at a moment’s notice. The game has had something like 140 million accounts created in its lifetime.

Deleting/recreating the same name on many many stolen accounts is a very common gold seller tactic. It gives the impression that nothing is being done and discourages people from reporting.


Also worth noting, it’s free to create a new e-mail account, and use it to create a new account. Then they can use the plethora of stolen credit cards to make the account active and begin their activity. Another $60 (again, stolen credit card, so they don’t care) and that character can by max level and “raid ready” now.

So even if they somehow run out of compromised accounts, they are back up and running in the time it takes to create a new Gmail account and use a stolen $75 for game time and a boost.


I saw this on the HC realm where a certain goldseller did get banned, but re-appeared with a different apostrophe, or a different-but-same letter so the bans did had effect.

Its just as others said, as soon as one does gets actioned upon they will have a new one at the same spot within a minute. Its a whole automated progress.


I do have to say that the ignore limit is unfortunate and really should be looked at to see if there’s a way to expand it. I report people advertising for cross-server paid runs and boosts on characters that aren’t high enough level to participate in them a lot when I’m idling on my bank alt, it has the added benefit of making Trade and LFG more readable so that I can roll my eyes at the antics since I only have those channels up on that alt.

But it takes a while for something to happen to those accounts and so there’s a lot of repeats, day after day. Reporting them ignores them for that session, but the same characters are back the next day. Finally, I was like, instead of reporting them every single time I log back in to get a little peace and quiet, I should just report them once and put them on ignore!

The quiet was blissful for a while, but I hit the ignore limit for the first time since I started playing the game in about a week. I cleared out a bunch of old entries from alts that used to stand in front of the AH and post their ads in /say, a fad that died out, fortunately, and it filled back up to the max again in about another week.

I get that the ignore limit is probably due to hardcoding restrictions somewhere, but man do I wish that they’d update that code.

Hello Jalanili,

I know exactly what you are talking about. I had to turn off Services. I’d report all the clearly against TOS adverts (xserver, low lvl, low ilvl not doing the run, etc) and then hop to an alt and have to do it again. Then back and again. Ignore doesn’t work as they live just long enough to max that list too quickly as you’ve noted (some last far too long…but, that is what it is right now). I found myself doing 100s of reports a day just for those violations. I started to dislike logging into an alt specifically because all the reports I’d have to do to clear up the channel to see anything (“I’ll just stay on this toon today”), that got annoying…so I closed the channel and wiped my hands of it. And that is where it is for now, sadly. I’ll focus my clean up assistance efforts elsewhere…I’ve submitted suggestions for this. But I stopped when the channel got closed.


Its one unique report per account so what you’re doing has no use.


Hello Forumcat,

Yep and there is that. Ignore don’t work and the reports to clear the spam don’t work…/closed. Not complaining, just commiserating…

Wait really? I thought there was a lockout period for when a different account could take a name. 30 days or something like that.

We shouldn’t need to waste ignore slots on spammers that should be taken care of more quickly.

Barring that, the temporary ignore should apply account-wide and persist through log-off for several days.


Post that on GD and I’ll throw a like on it.


Yes and no.

There is a cooldown when you delete a character that is level 30+, where the name of that character is inaccessible to anyone but that account.

Under 30, the name is freed almost immediately.

If it is gold advertisements or advertisement of other illicit services, then the right click report option for spam is the appropriate reporting option. That doesn’t take up an ignore slot.


Wow, that explains why I’ve seen the same level 10 spamming for months. I gave up on reporting them, but now I know.


Well frick, maybe I’ll try and turn that darn channel back on and start reporting the cheaters again. I’ve narrowed my characters down to 2 at this point, so maybe it works…grrr, okay 1 more time into the breach.


As stated previously, that doesn’t work once you log off or they log off and make a new toon on the same account.


Just grab the BadBoy addon and it will report them for you.

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Right there with ya!

It doesn’t work to permanently ignore them, no, but it does submit a report to have them dealt with. If more people did that, they would have a lot less reach because we’d be able to silence them a lot faster.