People liking the play style or not is entirely subjective or personal. What isn’t an opinion is that no mover is absolute trash in terms of damage because of two things:
1- Uptime requirements (You can thank Cycle of Hatred, Shattered Destiny and Aldrachi Reaver (Wounded Quarry) for that one). This introduces massive DPS loss any single time you have to leave the boss for any reason
2- Sustained DPS profile. The worst profile in the game. Good for literally nothing.
No mover is objectively bad in terms of throughput and needs more changes than just tuning it to be competitive with mover.
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So, I decided to strike Archon as a data source and instead went to warcraftlogs.
I readily admit to being wrong. DH are absolutely NOT doing well in raid, lol.
According to what I am seeing:
Mythic - DH is dead last for damage to bosses UNDER Augmentation
Heroic - DH is 22 of 26
its not true and hes pushing an agenda.
and burst/shatter playstyle is a bigger loss if you mess up a burst window, specially with how big our inertia/essence break window is. Also you lose output if your uptime drops regardless of what you play. the difference is as it doesn’t feel as awful if you uptime drops vs you mess up one break/inertia window and that is the issue.
not to mention the fun factor which is super evident with how many people have expressed how unfun havoc is with only doing damage in short infrequent windows.
we know
yes you are. you are a well known ret main who has deep disdain for havoc and wishes to see it awful because ret was mediocre at one time.
unironically using tier lists to form your opinions? LMAO
They are pulling the same data to come up with those tier lists - where I think they’ve got it wrong, however, is that when generating their tier lists, they are using overall raid damage instead of damage to bosses. Damage to trash in raid doesn’t matter at all and that’s probably the problem.
Look, I’m a data nerd. YOU might not find tier lists, popularity metrics, or survivability to be interesting or important - and that’s totally fine. I personally love that stuff. I find it fascinating.
I already admitted I was wrong to use Archon as a data source and fixed that problem. Thing is, people seemed to think that I was advocating for DH to not be buffed, which is not true at all. They absolutely need buffs and/or a full rework. Never said they didn’t. I was just speculating as to why Blizzard might not think they need it. First place I checked was Archon. I was wrong. Sorry! Jeez.
It’s always good to admit when you’re wrong 
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Never apologize. No one here knows grace.
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Dh needs some design changes, not really just balancing.
Mostly for the hero trees, aldrachi is awful, fel scarred mixed, i don’t particularly like it much either.
Lol check again. WW is above havoc. And WW sucks, too. So imagine how we feel. You are only doing any decent amount while in Demon form, and only doing good damage for about 4 seconds at a time.