Long time PvPer looking for a chill mature community. I have 5 60s and my main is a 1900cr alliance resto shaman. Would like to start doing RBGs. Shoot me a message in game or drop me a link.
Snaked - Sargeras
Long time PvPer looking for a chill mature community. I have 5 60s and my main is a 1900cr alliance resto shaman. Would like to start doing RBGs. Shoot me a message in game or drop me a link.
Snaked - Sargeras
Hey! Our guild is the best RBG guild on the realm , come check us out ! https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/a-bloodbound-23xp-rbgpvp-guild-recruiting-pvpers/563313
Hey there, Okay will do!