
Dunno why that got you so riled up, but okay. Little oversensitive.

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Actually, surprises me tbh. Figured FF would crackdown on it more than Blzz. EQ has truebox progression servers for folks who like to multibox. Don’t know if they allow software usage nowadays to do it though. Doubt many people noticed them for the most part. Wasn’t until BFA, and Nazjatar underwater zone opened up that boxers really started getting a bad rep. I mean you would see an occasional thread complaining about them before, but ya that BFA zone multiboxers were really getting hated on lol.

I tried to play that briefly. It didn’t go well. I couldn’t get the tutorial window to go away so I could actually find the person I had to kill to get out of the initial tutorial, and there were too many hot keys for simple interactions. Also it didn’t start me out with a hot bar and didn’t tell me how to get one, so I was a necromancer that could only stab.

And then when I finally got out of that part of the tutorial, I tried to take the option to get more tutorial so I could try to learn, and it wouldn’t teleport me like it said it would.

I realize that it is older, but given the time that has passed, they could have fixed most of the issues.

FF doesn’t allow input broadcasting or hardware multiboxing. Their ToS states that all third party tools are strictly forbidden. However, they don’t check your system and really don’t care. They “can” ban you for it, but they really don’t check.

I use a whole host of mods in FFXIV because WoW has spoiled me with addons.

Did not know that but figured as much. I tried FF out a couple years ago, but could not get into that game. Granted I don’t know much about multiboxing either lol. Have no problem with folks that multibox software or not. Looked at it as alternative playstyle for people mostly. Course I don’t get to bothered over what people are doing in a videogame anyways.

Yes they ban ONLY if someone reports you and also only if you have been causing server disturbance.

See Blizzard once said “We allow it” And then they thought just a few players would be multiboxing 5 toons, maybe 10 at the max. Very little harm done in that. But NO. People had to abuse it and started boxing 36, 40, 50, 70+ and even 120+ toons at a time to where 2 in particular would queue up for a BG and would have their entire team in the BG, they would clog it and lag it out. No reason why only one person should have fun while everyone else is unable to have any due to the massive lag.

So Blizzard saw that level of abuse and banned it fully. It never would have been banned if a select few had not abused the system. They should allow 5 toons max to box. No raid boxing. They dont do anything useful anyways.

And yes FF allows MB but it is in no way shape or form a better game than WoW. Two different genres of MMO just to start with and also two different player bases as well.

Most people couldn’t mutlibox a mythic dungeon but they all seem to think it is easy.

Multiboxing isn’t banned. Automated input software is banned.


All hardware and software key broadcasting has been banned.

And that’s not multiboxing.

They have realms/servers for it. Software is allowed as long as people that use it don’t grief other players or cause a lot of disruption while using it. Multiboxers in wow that were using key broadcasting software ended up being own worst enemies, because they started behaving like bots. The folks running those 10, or more character teams.

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You’re one of those people who doesn’t know the difference between multiboxing and botting, aren’t you?


Boxing isnt banned.

oh, I see what you meant now. :+1:

I used to think they were just confused. Theyre not. They KNOW that boxing and botting arent the same thing. Conflating the two is how they slide in personal attacks without actually breaking the forum rules.

For those of us that played on the servers that had multiple multiboxers with 25-60 accounts each. They literally could lag out and crash the server when they did their nonsense.

This was mostly back in MoP/WoD but it was quite ridiculous.

I agree with them banning the input cloning software. No one should be able to control 40+ characters with a single input.

Did it ruin it/make it harder for the people who multibox 2-5 characters: yes.

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source needed.

Also prove it’s because blizz banned multibox cheaters.

If you’re manually rawhiding five keyboards and watching five monitors … I wouldn’t want to do it myself, or pay for the five accounts, but I respect the ability it requires.

AGAIN…boxing ISNT banned lol

Oh right. Everything that made cheaters able to cheat using multiboxing is banned, because it was cheating.

The specific, split hairs term of “multiboxing” is perfectly legal. Okay. Sure. Fine. Whatever.

Being able to control multibox accounts in a manner consistent with how all the cheaters used to do it is banned.

So effectively, Multibox cheating is banned.

no…friend…it WASNT AT THE TIME, lol.
Good god we love to toss that ‘cheater’ slander around in here without any actual support from the game maker. lol

NOW they cant use the extras…THEN they could.
NOW it would be ‘cheating’…THEN it WASNT. lol

so you are wrong on ALL points, sorry to say

The rules CHANGED. Its that simple

Yes, but it’s harder to accomplish now because of the restrictions put on the software solutions that allowed for this. That said, it’s still pretty trivial.