The more this game focuses on metrics and time sinks and forcing players to do things they don’t find fun over actively trying to make fun and engaging content, the more bots you’ll see.
None of those are insults or personal attacks.
People aren’t actual reading what I said and instead are making things up as they go. Just like you. I’m calling you out for not reading and essentially lying about what I’ve said. That isn’t an insult.
multi boxing was still bad regardless of bots. They should all be banned.
Multiboxxing was part of the issue. The other part of the issue was bots. Both are equally as bad, in fact both are the same. So technically multiboxxing is the issue. Good riddance. You aren’t getting multiboxxing back.
that is not true in any sense
back from where? it’s not against the rules
Folks still throwing tantrums about multiboxing lol. Most of the people I know that used to dual, or multibox in this game have moved over to playing on private servers where they can avoid the cancel culture in this game Bot hackers never needed multibox software for their bot hack programs anyways. Not saying mass box teams like 10, or 20 character teams were not causing problems though.
It’s sad that the community has internalized “well gee there’s just not much blizzard can do about bots”. Blizzard gets to set which gear gets to be BOE. mog fees are like 2k. It’s not a technical issue, it’s an economic one.
ALL MULTI BOXERS ARE SCUM BAGS… they sit their alts at the AH canceling auctions all day BAN ALL MULTIBOXERS.
Who is going to ban them?
The GM’s they laid off or outsourced? Or the Customer Service Reps they laid off or outsourced?
Can yall like stop comparing bots to multiboxing?
2 vastly separate issues.
Problem with multiboxing is that you get an advantage over any other player. Simple as that. Not even in a legit way, but by having a software do the work for you. And just because you pay extra , does not make you special.
Botting, on the other hand, is what affects the economy. Sure, someone has more gold than you, but it does not necessary make them “better” or “stronger”.
So yes, hammer ban botters and multiboxers.
Blizzard all but killed Multiboxing in the name of fighting bots.
Even after that people still hate them.
The people ruining the economy have been and always will be the ones using bots.
The guy who has a bot farming all day while he works.
The kid who used their parents CC to buy a bot that runs while they are at school or sleeping.
The dozens of 3rd party sites selling gold farmed by bots.
The bots sending in-game mail and spamming trade with ads.
The players undercutting trade goods by huge amounts because they farmed 1000s of herbs/ore with bots.
Meanwhile GD is angry that less than a dozen players were running 10+ accounts across all NA servers because they got ganked in Warmode…
Apathy like what OP demonstrates is why we have a problem that we do now. People were all, ‘Oh just ignore it, it’ll go away on it’s own.’
Yeah right.
Multiboxers still seething and I love it. One of the most annoying and entitled groups in the history of gaming.
“Its not pay to win, if you’re being ganked by a multiboxer just round up 10 of your friends and take them down.”
See that was not usually a complaint, it was usually the roving bands of raid geared players who spent all their time ganking lowbies … which begged the question of when they had time to raid.
And honestly with nobody using Warmode and no more PvP servers is that really an issue anymore ?
You can’t really beat the people defending multiboxing on these forums.
You see, the people defending it are all, or have been, multiboxers.
These are the exact people who will come on here and post on 20 different characters (forum multiboxing!), all agreeing that multiboxing is not a problem and is actually super awesome and if you don’t like it you are dumb.
I have never met a single person in-game that doesn’t DESPISE multiboxers. You’re just as disgusting as the bots. Go away.
They never will be.
I wish people would follow their own advice.
It was just one of the 50 or so different aspects of why boxing sucked. I’m glad blizzard did something to get rid of them, their base is insufferable. They next need to ban them from the forums. They’re worse than botters because at the very least the botters don’t come on the forums and tell you to trust that they won’t abuse their power while they gank you. Or better yet, deflect attention away by citing warmode and raid parties as actual solution/problem
If banning unsupported 3rd party software killed MB, then isn’t part of the argument that certain MBs were playing outside of the lines of fairness?
Semi-amusing story, was doing Islands on one of my rogues. Waiting on the boat for the go timer and I get whispered that he was multiboxxing so one of the chars would not be leaving the boat. I really didn’t care, but thanks for the heads up. I was assured that he would be able to take care of the work needed to be done and not to worry.
Away we go and I click on a couple of Azerite thingys and just stealth my way around, exploring, not engaging in anything, basically afk’ing with a moving dot on the minimap. Finish the island and our hero links me the damage meter or whatever people link to tell you how good they are. Our hero solo’ed the the island his ownself. I went to congratulate him, but I was already put on ignore.
You know that literally describes every thing running on you computer that isn’t WoW or the Blizzard launcher, right?
Cool story bro?