Windows is a Program…running in the Dos system. Not to be confused with a Addon to a Program running inside of Windows.
If you are using Windows to run a Addon to run a program. This is not allowed.
Windows has run on top of the Windows NT Kernal since Win XP. DOS exists in your imagination only.
This was useful thank you.
You’re clearly more than knowledgeable enough to have realized that the answer was NO before even creating this thread then…
Software which is capable of doing something like broadcasting (which would violate TOS) is a really bad idea. Even if you are not using it to do anything that violates TOS. For example, we’ve seen people be actioned apparently for having Auto Hot Key installed, even though they weren’t using it for WoW.
The rest of your question, I don’t think I can add anything useful to what’s already been said.
Problem is anything like this will get you in trouble! With the new rules for multiboxing there is no way to really multibox any longer. To much to manually switch between clients. Multiboxing is allowed but pretty much not practical any longer.
Bookmarking this thread to reference in the inevitable follow-up, “Why was my account banned???”
To be blunt…unless it involves the addon API, or the in-game macro system, if you have to ask if something is ok, the answer is going to be “no”.
Think of it this way client 1 command 1 action, if that same thing happens on client 2 with out switching clients that will get you banned.
Anything that edits how a key press is sent will be seen as software broadcasting and as blizz has no way to check each PC to see if u r a good boy or not, there is no way they can know.
So my tip is, get very acquainted to windows hotkeys, alt+tab, win+tab and alt+esc are ur BFFs now, oh, sometimes using multiple desktops(virtual ones in windows 10/11) is helpful then u can ‘side step’ with ctrl+win+ left/right).
That said, also understand that most people are very much raging against multibox, so u may very well get a mass report and insta ban, i don’t know the details and 'how to’s as how blizz is handling this stuff, hadn’t done much farming in ages, just some on christmas now that i got some spare time and dailies aren’t that bad, but i have seen a few dudes in like ‘hunting raging style’ lol
A dude kinda chased me to a meeting stone and was kinda hovering my group once while i was summoning the alts. lawl
If it helps manage multiple clients in windows then NO it is not.
Holy moly, I’m not even sure where to begin here…
Blizzard does have ways to check your PC, and you have agreed to that in the ToU. They can (and do) know every process your computer is running while WoW is running.
This is accurate, and as it’s just about the only accurate part of your post, I feel it deserves to be highlighted.
Mass reporting does not operate in the way you think it does, at least in concert with Blizzard’s account actions. Having people “mass” report you does not equate to any kind of account action. Every other player can report you to Blizzard, but if you’re doing nothing wrong, you’ll never be actioned. On the other side, if you are doing something wrong, it only takes one report.
There is also no “insta ban”. All account actions are applied by a real person, an employee of the company.
If you don’t know, then do not perpetuate false rumors you see on the internet.
As for how they’re “handling” it, just the same as they always have. If someone is reported, they will investigate and take appropriate actions. If no rule is being broken, then there’s no account actions.
It’s really hard to tell in the video, but it looks as if he is manually switching between clients.
There is an option in Windows to make a window active by hovering over it instead of clicking. It looks like what he’s doing, it’s so fast and he’s hovering over each window and then pressing the button in each client separately.
He’s not mirroring keystrokes/actions across multiple game clients. As far as the option in Windows where you can activate windows just by hovering over it instead of clicking, that’s iffy because of what Kaivax said here:
What do you mean by “vouch”? Do you mean give a blanket “yes” to a program? No, they would never do that, correct.
But going from “blizz has no way to check each PC to see if u r a good boy or not” to “blizzard cannot vouch for someone” is not clear at all what you are meaning.
Be that as it may…
They can and they do. It’s not insane at all.
No, he did not. This is what I mean by perpetuating false rumors.
Asmongold had all his followers report a line for spam. They did, and he got squelched. This is not an account action, but a stopgap to stop gold-selling websites from advertising while waiting for reports to work through the system.
When a GM came to remove the squelch or apply an account action, he was suspended for getting so many people to falsely report his line of chat.
In the future, let’s stick to the facts of the situation. If you don’t know the facts, find out before perpetuating falsehoods.
And in the end, what happened to one player surrounding a chat violation has zero bearing on the multiboxing policy.
That’s fine advice. Next time, I would suggest leading with this, and leaving it at that.
Trying to offer ways to “sidestep” Blizzard’s rules, then going off on other tangents can confuse many readers, and lead to bigger problems.
it’s simply not possible to check everything, every possible situation, every possible coding, what they do is to create general rules, general software behavior and stuff, likely similar to what antivirus do, don’t guess what u clearly don’t know, checking everything like that would be ‘god like’ work lawl.
And I didn’t say anything to ‘sidestep’ the rules, i did say to sidestep to other > window < which helps when u have several windows opened and want to choose which the one u want, i often leave a char at the city just to see the chats for instance.
As for doing fast switching, alt + esc is fast enough, pretty much insta switching, the only drawback i hate a lot is that u can’t have anything else opened while multiboxing if u want to switch windows with alt + esc, cause u have no real choice what window is coming next besides the current window order that is followed, so a virtual desktop must be used just for those WoW windows and anything like browser or discord must be somewhere else or closed.(or minimized to taskbar)