i cant do any world quests in Heartwood Grove with 12+ druids spamming and botting here, blizzard talks about controlling botting but this is the worst i have seem by far on this topic. if this is the way of handling mutliboxers then clearly they have no idea how Multiboxing ruins games…it should clearly be banned all together cause i now have to waste time waiting on GM’s to come investigate when clearly if they show up and look they would understand. i have reported them over and over only to come back 30 mins later and they are still here…this game is getting extremely frustrating and its wasting my time. anyone else feel this way?
You don’t know the difference between botting and multiboxing.
Also, Blizzard can’t immediately look into every report.
Say it with me. Multi-boxing and botting are not the same thing.
While that’s botting and not multiboxing, I can’t believe how much of it I’ve seen in SL. That area you speak of is horrid with it. Constantly duo druid bots there just spamming the spawns all day.
clearly your missing the point, its because allowing multiboxing promotes the use of botting and abusing the system which is clearly a violation… agreed Valzrix
No lol
By your “logic”, we can also say being allowed to play WoW also promotes the use of botting and abusing the system. Let’s ban all players from ever logging in, so there shall be no more botting.
You know alot of gold farmers run groups for druids only to farm in 2x4 groups ?
Chances are most of the druids you speak of are doing this, its a very stable and high gold income.
I made millions this expac selling boes from said way of farming
Report them all and let Blizzard sort them out. Some are bots. Some are using key clone software and some are legit.
Stretches feet in the air
One gathering feature WoW needs to borrow from FFXIV is personal nodes. When you encounter one, it’s yours, even if someone else picked 2 minutes ago. No disappearing nodes. You can gather your own mats if you want, and no one can interfere.
there are a lot of multiboxers that post here OP and people that dont multibox have all threads hidden that mention the topic. your post will prolly be spam reported by them then get reinstated.
they are the most nuts posters here for sure.
Idk, this seems pretty nutty.
10 char