Multiboxing should be bannable

Multiboxers are ruining the economy moreso now than ever before, i can deal with someone running 1-3 accts but lately ive been seeing people running 11 druids just farming zin’athid like its going extinct. The design of this expansions feasts/cauldrons has been so biased towards these people that it leads me to believe that not only does blizzard not consider this against the rules they actually WELCOME it. Which to me is mind boggling because its so easy to see that probably 90% of multiboxers of that degree are directly connected to gold selling websites. Like does Blizzard Activision have no common sense? Its pretty obvious that they’re catering to cheaters when they make the fish for feasts drop in open water at a 50/50 ratio , if thats not asking people to run fishing scripts i dont know what is, which is what i assumed they were doing and i was waiting to hear about a wave of bans going out for just that but i have heard nothing of the sort. Its just ridiculous when you want to bring your own flask/feasts for raids or M+ and you cant go 5 minutes without running into a multiboxer running 11 druids consuming all the nodes before you get a chance to pick anything.


Whenever I see the word “multiboxers” I imagine someone wearing multiple pairs of underpants.


Ohh look this thread again.

Blizzard will never ban multiboxers when said multiboxers give them more money.


But they put on their pants one leg at a time just like everybody else.


It’s amazing to me how rampant multiboxers are when I’ve seen maybe 5 in the 15 years I’ve been playing. One of them is my husband and he just runs mythics.


Well that multiboxer is paying for 11 subs and you are paying for 1. If anything, YOU are gonna get banned for not having enough subs.


can we get a skateboarding not a crime meme in here?


People who are so unskilled that they cannot defeat them should be banned as you are wasting space.


A person playing more than one WoW account at the same time can hardly be compared to murder.

That’s a bit much.


Can we call boxer-briefs multiboxers now?



Players who make an entire thread post in just one paragraph should be bannable too.


There aren’t nearly as many multiboxers out there as you think there are.

Citation desperately needed.

You’ve got a whole lot of FUD and very little fact in your argument here.

Also? What’s with this recent surge in anti-multiboxing? It’s not against the rules. It’s not automation. And it’s not nearly as prevalent as some people think it is.


Blizzard won’t ban multiboxing because it doesn’t violate any of their rules. It has nothing to do with money. There would need to be a sea of multiboxers out there in order for Activision-Blizzard to take notice of their income.

Here ya go:


Yeah, total agreement from me. Multiboxing is getting out of hand this expansion. Never before have I seen so much of it.


not only will they not ban people heck they even provide a link to sites with details on how to set up and use multiboxing software

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We are not the ones making the 47,543rd “Multi boxers peed in my cereal” thread…


It has everything to do with money.

The thing about the rules is that Blizzard makes them.

Multiboxing clearly upsets some people. Not unlike gold runs in the Group Finder. Blizzard could make a rule against Multiboxing.

They won’t. Because it makes them money.

And that’s their right. They own the game. They can make whatever rules they want.

If Multiboxing ruins one’s experience, they are free to choose whether to learn how to live with it or quit the game. But Blizzard won’t outlaw Multiboxing and lose money just because.


You are equating some 0.1% of the population farming herbs to 99.9% of solo players farming herbs. Do you seriously think *10 makes a dent in that difference?

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Did you mean “pathetic” or “apathetic” because they’re very different and I’m not sure whether to be offended or not.


Which is honestly a shady business practice. They are choosing money and internal sabotage over customer satisfaction. But then again, even if Blizz wanted to stop multiboxing, Activision would probably stay their hand…