Multiboxing seems like an unfair advantage

Key mirroring is against the ToS. Report them when you see them. Multiboxing is only allowed if you manually control the accounts. One button, one action. Not one button, one action on each character. That is against the ToS. An example of allowed multiboxing would be having two different accounts meet in a city to trade. Muling, etc.

Multiboxing, or playing multiple World of Warcraft accounts at once, is not a violation of our End User License Agreement. Please note, however, that use of all software or hardware mechanisms used to mirror commands to multiple World of Warcraft accounts at the same time, or to automate or streamline multiboxing in any way may result in account penalties.

This is the same defense P2W supporters use. You support P2W then. If you don’t, explain why. Your own logic excuses it.

The funny is some dual boxers turned to it because of the community.

In the past when on sale I made a new accout with boosty deal at like $40. A month of dual box experiments for basically the same price I pay for jsut cab fair on boys night out (drink responsibly). Not a bad deal all in all.

A month of testing a new class at highest levels…and dual boxed assisted a true leveler this account.

No love for SFK, monastery, others naturally to use a word.
Other options were looked at and executed.

Not even unfair. Gear funneling needs 1 thing to happen. Gear to drop to /roll on. RNG hates me. Its fact, not paranoia.

Several reset runs of dungeons showed that. The blues never dropped to even let me have the boosty pass on roll to funnel the leveling hunter lol.

I feel that pain.
If it were possible to get negative numbers when rolling that would be me.

If it weren’t for bad luck I’d have no luck at all.

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According to OP. He claims that this person told him he was cheating basically. We weren’t party to this conversation, are we just going to assume this is true?


They pay for it so, meh

Without dungeon spam leveling a box group is a massive chore. You should feel sorry for them.

Thats not a problem caused by the multiboxer. There still is no advantage to multiboxing. Multiboxing is at a disadvantage due to not being able to fully utilize your groups power like a group of five players can.

Multiboxers who follow the rules are not mirroring. They are using a round robin system of one keypress per character, not one keypress for all characters.


Why would we assume otherwise? It’s not like we’re judge and jury. If someone is multiboxing in-game and it looks like they’re using automation tools, report them and move on, I say. Blizz can sort it out.

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It’s illegal. The police will arrest you IRL for literally breaking the law. That multi-botter better lawyer up!


It’s only against the rules if you use 3rd party software. Example: Pressing 1 button and having both characters cast a spell.

It’s not against the rules if you manually swap between each character.

i treat them as guards. ppl can have 3 chars and get hyper spawned and die instead of me lmao

With the popularity of Baldur’s Gate 3, I would assume people would want to go back to multi-boxing in WoW

Controlling a party of characters is as old as RPGs - its the FPS kiddos that think its some kind of “advantage”

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The cope from multiboxing cheaters is hilarious. Pretending to not understand why having four characters melt the same target is not an advantage.

Anyway, it’s in violation of the TOS. So whenever they are found, report them. They all key mirror whether it be a hardware or software it doesn’t matter. And that is against the terms of service.

Multiboxing is just another form of P2W, and they use the same excuses.

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If Blizzard allows it then why not? Maybe they’ll add “true box” rules like EverQuest did. People will always find a way to play the way they like, especially for old games.

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Multiboxing convo was a dead horse 13 years ago.

You can obtain the same or more of an advantage by joining a group. Multiboxer does not have control over you grouping. If your not in a group while leveling in HC then your making it difficult on yourself.

The multiboxer is not stopping or affecting your gameplay.

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I bet guys like Chuckie have trouble handling 1 character

Just imagine if they had to tab between 5 screens to make an entire team work

(waiting for their limited understanding to bring up what is actually botting because they dont understand the difference)

FYI - multiboxing is NOT, repeat is NOT a violation of the TOS. Botting & broadcasting software and hardware are

Blizzard specifically allows you to run multiple instances of the game through the same launcher because multiboxing IS allowed, you just have to tab through or click on each screen


Key mirroring through software OR hardware mechanism is against the ToS. Allowed multiboxing would consist of you logging in two different accounts to mule or something. The multiboxing being discussed in this thread is key mirroring multiboxing. And should be reported when it’s observed. All of you cheaters should be banned.

Multiboxing, or playing multiple World of Warcraft accounts at once, is not a violation of our End User License Agreement. Please note, however, that use of all software or hardware mechanisms used to mirror commands to multiple World of Warcraft accounts at the same time, or to automate or streamline multiboxing in any way may result in account penalties.