Multiboxing positivity

I wonder how many multiboxers there are out there to grumpify this many people, wouldn’t it be amusing if it was just one guy terrorizing people :rofl:

So, when we disagree we can down vote the :poop: out of it… Right?

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IT feels like I am playing Baldurs Gate in WoW!

Because without downvotes it is impossible to actually determine the community stance on any issue. The forums complained relentlessly about High Elves, but how many of those complaints stemmed from an exceedingly vocal minority? We’ll never know.

You can’t determine the community stance on something from the forums anyway. So, yes, you will never know anyway.

You can by assuming that the forum-goers represent a sample of the normal population. Let’s assume you’re right though.

Currently, every discussion, perspective, and idea for the game exists in a state of complete equality from the perspective of the players, and more importantly - the developers. Absurd ideas that virtually no players agree with can receive vastly more attention and coverage than rational and carefully considered feedback/suggestions.

i multi VERY rarely, i dont see a whole lot wrong with it depending on how your doing it…however, would you hard core boxers stop killing the damn market on the things im trying to sell by posting it 1 silver less than eachother every 15 seconds lol


This is a multi-boxers hotspot. Theyre usually 370 ish ilvl. Do what must be done.

Phasing has only ever referred to questing and changing the world around you. MoP introduced CRZ, which eventually evolved into Sharding. Layering is a classic-only thing at this time.

Also, for all the people who say “it’s about the money”, you lot need to find a better talking point.

Activision-Blizzard makes billions of dollars a year. Blizzard could absolutely ban multiboxing tomorrow and it wouldn’t even register as a blip to Bobby Kotick.

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They don’t and it is a bad assumption…you know what they say about assumptions?

They don’t and it is a bad assumption…you know what they say about assumptions?

That you just made one and failed to respond to anything else?

There is nothing else to respond to other than your assumptions (which are incorrect).

I don’t really care what multiboxers do, as it doesn’t really affect me. I say let them have their fun. I also tried dual boxing for awhile, was fun I guess, but I prefer to play one account lately.

Multiboxing is botting. I don’t care how you try and spin it. You’re controlling 1 character and the rest are bots following you. You can’t do it without special software. You tank the market on whatever you farm. You devalue everyone else’s time who goes out and farms things legitimately with a single character. You demoralize and ruin the fun of farming and earning gold. There is no competing with someone who can earn 10x has much in the same time frame.


Our exchange is a great example of a scenario where downvotes would improve communication & clarity on the forums. The basic point of your responses is, “I disagree with you.”. That’s a valid response, but it’s also unproductive to a conversation. We’re both adding pointless responses to the thread to, in effect, disagree with one another.

I’m a new multi-boxer, trust me, I laugh at myself whenever i see one of my stragglers stuck on a root, a tree or fell off their mount.

No, cancer is cancer. Cancer destroys lives all over the world. Multi-boxing doesn’t cause people to die.

I may be triggered by that terminology, but it’s disgusting to me.


Actually, it isn’t a great example of that. Just because people disagree doesn’t mean it should be hidden from view.

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Forums are a community discussion. In my opinion, if the community decides that the disagreement is unproductive, it should be clearly marked as such.

Clearly we’re at odds on this topic, we’ll just have to agree to disagree.