Multiboxing positivity

Just think about the negative effects you have on people. Try to mitigate them. That’s all.

Obviously there are other issues but let me ask you this.

If you could pay 5x the sub and get 5x the loot would you do it?

And if you were not willing to pay 5x sub fees would you have a problem with players who do?

Multiboxing ladies and gents.

There are many resources out there for you to read up on, along with many basic videos on youtube that you could check out. Most of the easy-to-use programs you’ll have to pay to use but there are some free ones out there, they are just trickier to use. I’m honestly not sure if I can mention those programs by name without breaking a rule so I won’t do so. If you are only wanting to play with the two characters on those two accounts then look up information on what’s called Dual-Boxing.

It does keep prices down, down enough so that many average players do not need to spend hours with their guild farming each week for their activities.


Depends which side of the AH you’re on, this isn’t the real world so we can’t equate it to the real world.

My above comment stands here also.

You don’t have to be rich to start boxing, there is an initial investment but it’s not huge.

Some of those messages get pretty bad, I’d agree.


This is a widely believed misconception. There is no automation in boxing. That’s the difference between botting and boxing. Botting uses automation, whereas boxing does not use any automation.

One keystroke per action.

We, as players, do not get to decide what is and isn’t cheating. Only Blizzard gets to define that word. It’s simply not cheating.

^this 100%


Less supply = more supply?

Something’s not quite right.

You are one person, controlling whatever number of toons meant for one human at a time. This is a form of cheating and giving you an edge over another player in a world designed around individual encounters, whether its resource collection or scripted boss encounters. That’s like me challenging you to a 1v1 fist fight and you show up in Doctor Octopus suit like I’m spiderman…
hides spiderman suit

This is what you think is okay and totally not cheating…
I PrEsS oNe BuTtOn AnD mY LeGioN oF bOts aLL SpAm THeIr One AoE sPeLL HERPA DERPA


You don’t get to dictate what is and isn’t cheating here, nor do I, only Blizzard does.

I see plenty of other players in that video seemingly having fun PvP’ing with him.


Annnnd you just lost any credibility that you could have potentially had. Grow up, kiddo.


You never had any to begin with and you get the responses you deserve.


Hey if you really wanna pay that much money just to multibox, that’s on you, but I would go get a burger or something with it.

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If you want a bunch of gold just buy a token.
Same thing.

What we KNOW is ok and KNOW isnt cheating…‘thinking’ isnt relevant.

“Multiboxing, or playing multiple World of Warcraft accounts at once, is not a violation of our Terms of Use. We do not support multiboxing tools.”

Just going to have to put on our big boy pants and get over it, sorry to tell you.

Totally get that, just boiling it down to yay/nay without all the extra fiddly bits.

Not sure I wouldn’t pay X more in sub for more drops doing the same activity or more mats gathered.

Obviously I realize there are more reasons than just that in favor of or against boxing.

Don’t care what you think Skynet. :robot: :robot: :robot:


its just a play style. I tried it for a short bit…didnt like it and stopped.
Some people like to do it. As long as its allowed by the rules Im not wasting my time crying at others who like to play that way.
I certainly aint going to spend a day whining about their keeping me from farming or driving down prices. I’ll just go play the game elsewhere away from them if need be and buy my stuff of the AH when I need it.

and you think anyone here cares what you think?
its not a violation…that really is the END of this discussion…even if ten alts in here cant handle that fact.

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:robot: :robot: :robot: Does not compute, press button on main account, make me respond beep boop beep boop :robot: :robot: :robot:


most intelligent post youve made in here.

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:robot: :robot: :robot: Does not compute, main host no recognizable beep boop beep boop :robot: :robot: :robot:

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I’ll confess I do a bit of whining about it. Not sure why it annoys me when I see these farming spots overrun by moonkins day and night.

At the same time I kind of want to try it.

I like to complain ok Rahkeetahp!!

You’re ruining my afternoon with your rationale :rofl:

the intellect is thick as fog in here…