The people complaining about multiboxing would do it, too, if they could afford it.
You are directly controlling every account. The only difference is the multiboxing software lets those same commands go to inactive client windows.
I rarely, rarely see multiboxers around at all on my server, and like a leaf on the wind, I get around to a lot ld zones. I’ve seen TONS more of them in Classic but that has calmed way down too. Might be the sever your on
sorry but thats just asinine.
TECHNICALLY you arent actually controlling your ONE character by your illogic here…the SOFTWARE is
Jesus Christ man…find something new, lol
these armchair computer whiz sorts kill me with the jokes in here.
Im pounding a keyboard and clicking a mouse. THAT is MY interaction with my character(s). The SOFTWARE/HARDWARE is doing EVERYTHING beyond that…ONE character or ONE HUNDRED.
A node can only be tapped so many times in a period of time. MB at the max node tap would by definition be the most efficient user of that node. Anyone denying that is an idiot, a fool, or both.
And yes I have done MB at times. Used to run 5 mans in EQ, DAOC, and WoW. I have never used a program but have windowed them. That has become way harder as WoW has progressed but I dual box from time to time. But frankly not worth it any more for me so dont do it much anymore.
But all the talk of fairness is bs. Nobody is stopping you from doing it. Most toasters can dual and if money is an issue you can farm the sub easy. I generate 300k a week on single box not really trying…
The thing is most multiboxers use only 8 because that is the maximum amount of licenses you can have on a Bnet account and benefit from Account Wide stuff like Flying.
This leaves each nodes 2 free taps. Meaning, just follow the multiboxer around and tap his nodes.
27 days later You could of at least waited a few more days to make it a month later before deciding to necro this thread. Oh, and nerf demon hunters!

A node can only be tapped so many times in a period of time. MB at the max node tap would by definition be the most efficient user of that node. Anyone denying that is an idiot, a fool, or both.
Nodes RESPAWN…and anyone who cant figure out to go to the other side of the zone and farm away from the boxer… “Anyone denying that is an idiot, a fool, or both”…as you say.

The thing is most multiboxers use only 8 because that is the maximum amount of licenses you can have on a Bnet account and benefit from Account Wide stuff like Flying.
This leaves each nodes 2 free taps. Meaning, just follow the multiboxer around and tap his nodes.
or…and god I cant believe Im having to tell anyone here this joke…go PAST the boxer and get ahead of him. when you see him on a node and can tell which direction hes going in…ugh…fly PAST and hit the next node up…
This aint rocket science, lol…but it does kinda show that some players of this game are either seriously having problems figuring out how to farm correctly…or they just want to have a complaint to file to hear themselves talk.
Exactly Node PVP used to be a thing when it was single tap. Its no different now.
heh…you have to wonder what they’d be screaming about if they were forced to play classic, lol.
I tried it for a bit a while back and yeah…the node wars were real, lol.
Had players waiting til Id get trapped in combat then slinking in and taking the node I was trying to get to…and there aint no double tapping those things from what I could tell. Whoever gets them…gets them.
These MB haters a while back were saying to return it to single tap, LMBO.
How…exactly…does that help THEM farm better if they cant even handle it now with multitap nodes LOL
theyve made it clear…they dont think they should have to compete for resources and they want premium gold for ALL mats they farm. lol
Question for OP: WHY do you Multi-box?
Forum arguments go back and forth on if it’s fair. But I wonder, why you do it? Those against MB assume you do it to gain an advantage. Is that the case? If not, why do you MB then?
How do multiboxers manage to play, They got alien hands??
I enjoy multi-boxing, I think I find myself more intrigued by the negativity towards it than put off though.
Multi-boxing in on itself is not a bad thing, it’s how the player chooses to utilize the tool that determines that in my opinion. Other examples of this same idea:
- Not every PVPer is going to come at you 5 to 1
- Not every group is going to vote kick you from their group
If you go with the logic that every multi-boxer is X, then every PVPer or group must be Y and Z.
The I see arguments made like:
It’s cheating! - If it’s cheating, what rules are being broken? As far as I’m aware Acti / Blizz’s current stand is that it’s not breaking any rules.
It breaks the spirit of the game! - Some people might think so and other people might think not. I think this is a personal opinion with no real right or wrong answer.
Acti / Blizz only allows it because it makes them money! - They are a business that is about making money. Making money isn’t always a bad thing. Look at the AH and how many things are sold on there at cost vs a profit?
WoW is and MMO and not a single player game! - Absolutely! But if you read all of the various horror stories that creep up on the forums. Can you really blame people for not wanting to be social with the other players while playing the game? It’s this very reason what I don’t group up with people and only do solo content.
I think the whole idea is nice because it does open up the doors for people to enjoy the various content of the game while avoiding a lot of the negativity that seems to revolve around group content.

You are directly controlling every account. The only difference is the multiboxing software lets those same commands go to inactive client windows.
These two sentences are an oxymoron. You just claimed that you are directly controlling all accounts then admit you are not directly controlling all accounts as the software controls the “inactive” (your words) clients.
See, you guys have to blatantly lie about the automation you are using, and the reason you guys do this so shamelessly is that you know what you are doing is highly unethical. You also are worried that our reasoning is sound and that Blizzard might actually do something about this like ban ISBoxer.
I think you should prepare yourselves for that eventuality. Blizzard is going to ban ISBoxer, and is going to limit your ridiculous node advantage because it is harming the game.
What about boxers who don’t farm or PvP?

You just claimed that you are directly controlling all accounts then admit you are not directly controlling all accounts as the software controls the “inactive” (your words) clients.
I never said that. The software controls nothing on it’s own. Otherwise you’re claiming that all interface drivers (which are also third party software) are what’s actually controlling your character. Congratulations on expanding the definition of “automation” so far that it applies to everybody who uses a keyboard and mouse.

See, you guys have to blatantly lie about the automation you are using, and the reason you guys do this so shamelessly is that you know what you are doing is highly unethical. You also are worried that our reasoning is sound and that Blizzard might actually do something about this like ban ISBoxer.
No. You are the one taking things wildly out of context so you can keep pretending to have a point.

I think you should prepare yourselves for that eventuality. Blizzard is going to ban ISBoxer, and is going to limit your ridiculous node advantage because it is harming the game.
I do not multibox. I defend multiboxing because they aren’t doing anything wrong. And they’re certainly not “harming the game”.
You lot are deliberately missing the point. Zin’anthid is a poorly designed resource that’s super important but only available from one zone. This wasn’t much of a problem when it was still current, you’ll notice that barely anyone was complaining about multiboxers and their “ridiculous node advantage” back when 8.2 was still the newest patch.
Now that Nazjatar is old news, that means fewer people overall in the zone. Which means fewer shards of the zone being created. Which means that each shard now has a higher concentration of people farming Zin’anthid.
So you’ve got people still wanting Zin’anthid for raiding, but fewer people in Nazjatar who aren’t herbalists. Blizzard screwed up with Zin’anthid, and instead of focusing on the real problem, you lot have invented a scapegoat and letting them off the hook.
So take off your “multiboxing is bad” blinders and focus on the real problem.

multiboxers actually help server economies and drive the prices down of materials down to an affordable rate for the average player.
so affordable, that it becomes not worth the time to farm the mats normally which actually hurts people who need to make gold but cant/wont boost for gold.
using a third party program to mirror a keyboard press to 10 different characters is a form of automation, it is only regarded different than botting because you are controlling 1 of those characters legitimately.
multiboxing is fine, but you should not be able to automate it via a third party program.
the end result of botting and multiboxing in terms of server economies is the same. It floods the market with materials that wouldnt exist normally and drives the prices way down. This is great for people who are already established and can take advantage of the rock bottom prices. For anyone who isnt it creates a situation where you either have to buy wow tokens, boost, or look into multiboxing yourself to get anywhere.
its really unhealthy for the game as its currently allowed.

using a third party program to mirror a keyboard press to 10 different characters is a form of automation
Blizzard has said it’s not.
Basically if you press a key once and it sends one action to wow it’s not automation and they don’t care how many clients receive the action.