Multiboxing positivity

Last word
it’s funny that I don’t even think about the last word it’s always a people that are actually trying to get the last word that constantly are talking about letting the other guy get the last word LMAO

we keep hearing this and yet I don’t have any problem selling everything that I farm every single day that I’m playing for 8 hours a day. Who exactly is having their economy ruined? Because I’m on multiple servers and I just don’t see it LOL

This isn’t a hard concept. It sells, but not at an appropriate price for the work of a normal player, because Multiboxxing is ruining it for an average player. It is such a shame, most MMOs don’t allow that kind of behavior.

Using the term, “cancer” to describe anything to do with gaming is asinine, I don’t care what Webster’s dictionary says. Certain words you try to use because… it’s crappy. Has NOTHING to do with me being for multi-boxing.

Hey, if you want to use that word, go for it. I’m allowed to call you out on it because I think it’s ridiculous to use that word in the context that you did. 100% ri-dic-u-lous. Period.


Well, honestly, if youre farming mats to make gold youre doing it wrong from the start.
mats isnt the way to go.
Farming old raids for mogs and pets is.
real gold on the AH is by flipping, not farming.
hard concept or not…farming IS what i do, so Im pretty good at figuring out where the real money is.

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I’m genuinely interested to hear from Blizzard why they think it’s OK to farm 30-100 herbs or whatever with a single click and destroy the economy that way, but it is absolutely not OK to do the same thing with a bot on a single toon and farm 24/7. You’re doing far more damage to the economy with multiboxing than botted toon could ever do solo. Seems extremely hypocritical.

Tell Blizzard to fix the implimentation then. No need to scapegoat.

Also you presume people who bot only run one client at a time. Laughs in Thalassian.

True, Farming mats is like becoming rich by working 9-5 job. Not sure how reliable that is.

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I made 700k or so early BFA in four days just flipping blood stained bone.
Not enough time in the day to farm that much myself to make that kind of gold.
I was getting average of 60g per bone. Thats 11,665 bones.
Not sure how long it’d take to farm that many but i sure aint interested, lol

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It’s simple first you need to multibox 20 accounts, then you get 500-600 bones per account.

too much work for me. Flipping is easy. Only need one account.

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The main difference is that the multiboxer is controlling all of their characters.

Also, the economy isn’t being “destroyed” by multiboxers. It’s the end of the expansion. Demand for mats is going to drop like a rock, just like it does at the end of every expansion, with or without multiboxers.

uh…no…youre not, lol. And its not.
Youre required to PLAY the game. you dont PLAY the game with a bot.
‘ruins the economy’…aka “I cant farm for 30 minutes and get 500gold per herb/ore” :roll_eyes:

No, he’s right, flooding the market with materials drags the price down to the point where a single farmer is wasting their time

I should make a parody thread claiming singleboxers are crashing the economy because there’s probably 500 times as many single boxers out there farming as there are multis.


FARMERS do that guy…Boxers arent required,lol
And as i said …‘muh wants to gouge’…thats really what this is about and we all know it.

i rarely EVER see boxers farming.
I see druid singles farming ALL the time and they can keep a zone picked clean.

I’ll have to write a mighty diatribe parody. Will post on a dummy bnet so to not get a ban.

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Not true at all. You’re controlling one toon with your inputs, a program is then submitting the same inputs for the other 8 accounts. You are not technically controlling those accounts.


No. The first window is controlled by the same input as all other windows. All at the same time. If its OK for 1 its OK for 10.