they have said that, and I personally disagree with that judgement.
You don’t make the rules. Your opinion is irrelevant.
I love multiboxing!
That said I wish there was a separate server for this, the perception of cheating will not abate, so if I wish to run more than 1 character, I’d rather do it in a space that didn’t upset a chunk of the player base.
Ban the third party software explicitly used as a crutch for multiboxing!
Ban banning.
Thats stupid, do you honestly think blizz doesnt make changes based on player feedback. hint: feedback is an opinion 100% of the time.
By stating your malformed opinions as fact you perpetuate misinformation.
That is a bad thing.
i have literally never said my opinions were fact. if you have more than 3 brain cells to rub together you do not need every post to state at the end “this is my opinion”
Get a room both of you, jeez.
only if he buys me dinner first
Facts over feefees.
Fact is that not every player who multiboxes farms Zin’anthid. Hell not every multiboxer pvps. It’s kind of screwed up that people want to punish those who stay in their own lanes because Blizzard screwed up Zin’anthid implimentation and people want someone to blame over not being able to get the longboi from farming herbs alone.
I’m gay.
Okay. When I can fly over Zuldazar or Drustvar and see 2-3 balance druids spamming starfall over the same spots for literally days on end, this is not healthy for the economy. Leatherworking mats are already dirt cheap so this sort of play does nothing to help.
Is it against the rules? No. Is it super annoying when I’m simply trying to finish a WQ for either my 230 AP or 120 gold? Yes.
So let’s not pretend things are anything other than what they are.
Report them and move on?
I’m trying to be funny in an effort to defuse tensions, I hope you understand that my dear!
Oh and I’m Paladina!
Oh I know. I just thought it would be funny to point out.
It is cheating they just look the other way because of the money.
In both PvE and PvP, by eliminating the coordination and communication time it is cheating. Just as if I could control all my teams mates computers and direct attacks without communicating it would be cheating, it would give the team an efficiency boost that gives that team an advantage, which is the definition of cheating. And, which exactly what multi-boxers can do.
Blizzard literally says it’s not.
This is your opinion and not facts.
I have never said multiboxxers need to be punished, now you are crying to me about the mean things other people have said.
I also never accused every multiboxxer of pvping or farming herbs.
The only fact in this entire situation is that blizzard is ok with the behavior at this point, everything else is opinion. even blizzards judgement is itself an opinion, its just a more important one.
They are on the wrong side of this. IF they had any decency they would put a reasonable limit on the number of characters one person can control.
Thank you! I have nothing but respect for you Rialius, and I wanted to chuckle but I hate stepping on peoples personal toes, so I stayed seated so to say!
Stay safe my friend!