Multiboxing positivity

Queue the return of echo chamber who said he left.


Nothing does my heart good like someone who says this and keeps responding.

It literally shows you have the willpower of an infant.


Multi-boxers are a scourge upon genuine players.


Yeah, I’m not going to go back and forth with some guy who jumps alts to give himself likes and chime into conversations like he’s different people. It’s amazing to me that people think they can hide their armory and all of a sudden they are a ghost, we have countless tools to see right through that. Same thing goes for hiding activity, all you have to do is go to the search function on the forum and type in the posters name. lol

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The irony of this while you’re having a conversation with yourself is palpable. Enjoy the bumps.


Kinda disturbing that they have to do that.
I wonder if they actually think mods and admins cant see that theyre posting on multiple accounts?
Some of the forum software I use used to list everyone posting IP address. Made it VERY obvious if the person was pulling this sort of thing.

That would make things even easier than they already are to see alts. I’m gonna look into that. lol

Man, back in the day there was this extension for the forum called cogshanks. It made it pretty easy too, it was automated so you didn’t have to do anything. I remember it being pretty accurate too, hilariously accurate.

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I just dont get why one would need to do that to begin with other than self esteem problems…ie being so unsure of themselves and their views that they feel the need to make others think they have support.
if I am firm in what I believe, i dont care if no one else backs me up.
I shouldnt need to fake support like they do.
that alt posting thing is seriously weird.
I change characters every few months because I like to change races and show off the allieds I have.
But everyone can tell its me pretty much immediately. And Ive often mentioned my last character name so theres no confusion.

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I dunno, it’s uncalled for. If they had a solid platform of discussion they shouldn’t need to.

It is. Funny but weird.

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No one cares about GD made up moral jedi multibox rulebook

People are going to to what they want with their money and theres nothing you can do about it.

Get over it.

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Gross. No.


who are you trying to fool? what makes more sense? a multiboxer alt agreeing with themself or people disagreeing with your silly position that multiboxing isn’t cheating?

says the guy with over 3000 posts topkek


I started multiboxing in Burning Crusade and went from two up to five over time, reaching 5 in WoD.

I box for leveling mostly.

If I’m questing I try to let others finish before I start doing my quests. If that’s not an option I pick out a corner of a spawn area and leave the rest for others.

I’ve been harassed for my style of gameplay even though I don’t PvP, don’t farm, and try not to monopolize quest areas. I’ve been told to end my own life. I’ve been threatened with reporting for botting several times.

Sometimes my roommate runs Tris with me. We split into two groups of four.

I’ve been known to split my team into two parties and invite people on the same chains as me to a party and just destroy everything. People seem to like that.

I don’t say hello to people. Neither when I box or solo. I’m not a person who likes fluff platitudes like hello. If you ask me a technical question I will typically answer.

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I think I hear mommy calling. Go away and let the adults talk for a while.

sorry but we have SEEN your side posting on alts a number of times in here. like they forgot theyd changed accounts and said something that blew their cover.
NO ONE CARES what YOU think makes more sense.
Does that make sense…or am I saying it right?

Multi boxers can collect more resources and in less time. They’re pretty good for the economy I would assume

Well you should probably go help her if you’re not going to pay rent to live in her basement :confused:

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well I don’t like you and I think you smell funny but I have to admit that that was a comeback worthy of myself LOL

You literally just rehashed several insults instead of coming up with your own. Killer was right, you are a hypocrite.

Anyways I can’t be bothered anymore so I’m just gonna ignore and stop reading and replying to this thread. Have the last word, champ.

Every claim you made is accurate except saying they help economies. They don’t. They take money out of a server with WoW tokens, and ruin selling for normal players.