Multiboxing = Pay to Win

uh…but WE the masses dont want your ‘change’, though.
If this were as you claim, many thousands would be complaining at bliz over it and theyd do something about it.
Yet they arent.
MBing has been around for most of this games existence from what Ive read.

I’m not trash talking you at all. Multibox your heart out!

Its basic economics. Are you denying that multiboxers pollute the market? It sounds like you think they have zero effect on the economy.

You have to take a step back and first assert that boxers are the source of this. You’re zagging when you should be zigging.

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No more than a guild having X amount of characters farming all at once.
Or a group of friends.

im sorry…where again?
I see you making false statements, demanding we take your word for them, then rejecting even blizzards own statement about why PF was removed from two old expansions


That isn’t what I said. Also, we’re arn’t battling azathoth here. I meant specifically that the forums don’t factor much into blizzard’s decision process. I’m sorry if my opinion is a bit disheartening, but that’s my belief.

You want to know how to change a company’s mind. Money. That’s it. Subs. People quit and then you can fill out that little form. That’s it. If subs drop enough then maybe they’ll look to change something. Its unfortunate, but that’s the modern gaming industry.

Yelling into a void won’t do anything or else Overwatch wouldn’t still have loot boxes. It sucks, but you have to decide at what point are you willing to put up with something about the game you don’t like in order to play it.

I mean you are asking people that see things with their own to eyes to stop believing what they see is true. I do not understand how I see them everyday yet others insist they have no effect.

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and yet I make a ton of gold every day without breaking a sweat and I DONT MB farm.
MBers arent keeping anyone from making tons of gold in game.
lack of motivation and maybe education as to how to do it are.

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Great, sounds like you have the evidence in front of you! May we see that irrefutable, dooming evidence for boxers?

Theres a huge difference. Those are actual people playing and spending time for the goods. Its not 1 person farming for 10 peoples worth. Its 10 people farming for 10 peoples worth. You only see the net gain instead of the methods used to get there and are therefore missing the point that one person is faming 10x faster than the next.

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Sure, they have an effect on the economy. In much the same way that, out of the tens of millions of cars in the U.S., the five in my driveway have an impact on the environment.

That is to say, a vanishingly small impact as a percentage of the total.


What is the economic impact difference of 1 person farming with 10 toons or 10 toons farming at the same time?

I’ll wait.


What is true?
What ‘effect’ ?
that you have to farm somewhere else because farmers are farming?
Join the club. Enjoy the cheap mats. Go farm a raid for mogs or something.
Pretty easy stuff here.

Its almost like some want to play the MMO…but just dont want the middle M part and think the game world should be there own solo play ground.

Semantics issue #3:
Does multiboxing give a player an in-game advantage?
“Yes–and so does grouping.”
Therefore, can multiboxing be considered an exploit?
“No. We consider it be an alternative playstyle; not everyone can do it, but if a person is willing to devote the concentration and capital to such a venture–legitimately–we’re perfectly fine with it. Five multiboxed accounts can be feared and CCed just like five solo accounts.

-Belfaire, Blizzard Poster

“Players, as individuals matter.

Here is why characters are more important for the purposes of this discussion though.

What happens when 6 players controlling 6 characters join a battleground? 6 character slots are filled. Then 4 others are filled with 4 other players controlling 4 other characters. Why?

Because battlegrounds are filled on a character for character basis. They are a closed system that only recognizes characters, and wherein characters ideally are matched against other characters.

What happens when 5 players and 1 multiboxer join a battleground? 10 character slots are filled. The results are identical to a situation where each character is controlled by a single player. We can run over the relative merits and disadvantages of multiboxing til the bovines return to their abodes, but factually, that’s what we’re dealing with:

10 characters vs. 10 characters. The raw ability of those 10 characters to accomplish their goal (winning the battleground) is identical within reasonable assessment of individual class abilities, gear and skill.”

Malkorix, Blizzard Poster

Yea go to Nazjatar and wait. You dont need much more than a simple day of watching. Where is your irrefutable evidence that all those multiboxers are not affecting the economy? If that is your position let me see your evidence. Meanwhile I will keep watching the single players get out farmed and bullied out of zones by these multiboxers

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No one is saying they have zero effect. I think most are saying it’s not that big. Most antiboxers totally ignore the other end of the spectrum in terms of participating in the economy though. Yes, boxers can farm a lot of herbs/ore, but they also purchase x characters amount of resources too. They have to gear, level, pay for subscription costs, etc.

actually its far, FAR worse if its ten players.
The MBer will get ONE node at a time.
Ten players will get them all pretty quickly.

What is the impact on the economy? This is an economic argument after all, no?

I don’t find issues with peoples opinions being wrong, it’s usually they are misinformed, it when you try to correct bad information and they get hostile and argumentative. Sometimes they just plain outright ignore and stick with their talking points.