Multiboxing = Pay to Win

I didn’t miss anything.

I’m fairly certain you’re missing every point

You seem to have implied that Pathfinder was being removed entirely in Shadowlands as a result of player feedback. Not only is it not being removed due to player feedback, it’s only being removed as a requirement for flight in WoD and Legion content.

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Playing the game is pay to win.

I pay for my sub. Otherwise I cannot play. If I don’t play, I can’t win. So, paying for the sub is paying to win. You pay to win too. Good job.

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yeah…you clearly did. I dont want to have to consider the alternative reason you didnt figure it out.
They didnt remove PF over player screams.
They removed it for being able to traverse ALL of the leveling zones EQUALLY.

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I’m taking away my own action? Autonomy? I don’t know what you mean. Seriously. I really don’t. Its still my decision to make the argument, and I think it was a pretty well thought out one…

Care to clarify?

That’s an opinion and not fact as proven by the excerpt, and really derailing the thread when I have 3 people bound determine to find any conceivable way to say “Gotcha!”.

You want us to prove Blizzard did not have a reason for doing something.
i.e. prove a negative.

As it’s impossible to prove a negative, and blizzard has provided a reason for their action which is both more likely, (in light of their past behaviour,) and more logical, (in light of the effect of their action,) than the reason you give, and you have not been able to support your argument with anything more than a “believe me…”, the point, to all intents and purposes, is proven.

It literally SAYS that right in the very first sentence.

You feel this way but have you ever considered you might be, you know, wrong? Incorrect? Misinformed?

there is no gotcha. You are demonstrably wrong, plain and simple.
Blizzard comment is VERY clear in the matter.

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Well, I guess there just aren’t too many players upset about multiboxing if you’re left all on your own here.

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that backfired pretty quick

We have a voice and that matters, it’s not some silent entity from beyond the stars, it’s a gaming company. Arguing the idea that there is no way possible anything anyone does can change anything at the way the game is developed is self-harming.

Are you asserting that it is just my opinion that you implied Pathfinder was being removed in Shadowlands?

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… and? That doesn’t change the fact that multi-boxing has been and always will be fine. Unless Blizard does a 180*. which is possible, but unlikely.

Sure, I do agree with you 100% there, every opinion matters. Some are just less wrong.

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Yeah I’m probably alone now because the sheer amount of cruelty and bad behavior in here is overwhelming for many people.

Repeating the same incorrect information over and over again doesn’t make it correct.

That’s not how things work

Oh? So you’re free to trash talk as many of us boxers as you want but saying “You are wrong, this is why, this is how, this is how we overcome X problem”? That becomes an issue?