Multiboxing - NEW TOS

What are you talking about? I’m talking about sending 1 keypress to all clients simultaneously via hardware acting as a form of automation, and you’re talking about alt-tabbing. We’re not even on the same page here. Alt-tabbing is not conducive for synchronous actions either. I’m not going to report anyone for alt-tabbing because it’ll be so plainly obvious that that’s what they’re doing.

Both examples I used are single keyboard macros. 1-3 is a keyboard macro, 1-4 is also a single keyboard macro. If you are focused on PvP then the above is much less efficient. If you are focused on gathering, or simply killing mobs, the above method is workable.

P.S. Probably decreasing returns for groups over say 5 characters.
P.S.S. You should probably be aware that there are addons that let you share configuration settings, macros, mount-with leader, autofollow after combat, … All perfectly alright and available from Curse.

A) I didn’t call you illiterate. I simply said “reading comprehension matters”.

B) I made a SINGLE typo in many, MANY posts. I type fast. Sue me.

C) If this is your BEST jab, it’s weak at best.

D) You’ve done nothing but troll me and others in this post. I’ll be marking this one for later.

E) Goodbye.


I don’t understand OP. So they are a Multiboxer who uses 3rd party software, got in trouble for it, and now is claiming because they pay more, that they someone deserve special privilege? Am I confused or something here?

No, you’ve basically summed up the mindset of multiboxers.

The OP was a rant, and that is at least partly what the GD forums are for. There were some inaccuracies, mostly conflating input broadcasting software with mulit-boxing, they are not the same although that type of software was used to support multi-boxing.

They then went on to list some alternatives (again with some inaccuracies) for multi-boxing without using input broadcasting software. The conversation has take a lot of twists and turns since the OP :wink:

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In the end, multiboxing is a pay-to-win degenarate playstyle. I’m glad to see it nerfed.

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Everyone is entitled to an opinion. Personally, I think Boosting, GDKP runs, spending more than a few hours a day in-game, Moonguard rendezvous, and many more things are degenerate playstyles. Fortunately, I don’t get to decide that for others :innocent:


Nah, you tried and failed to make a smart jab and it back fired

Its not the typo, you are just wrong for saying I am punishing anyone

Lol you think thats a jab XD

Point out where I responded to anyone but you or the OP in this thread.

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Using a second monitor for my 4 followers and activating windows automatically with mouse over (a standard windows option) I can achieve near simultaneous casting with no software or hardware. Are you going to report me because my alt tabbing is not as painfully slow as you would like it to be?

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Good riddance IMO.

In what way does MB ruin your experience?

Brother I think blizzard is trying to help you. Take the hint, you are so deep into this stuff it scares me. My brother is the same, so obsessed with ffxiv it is the only thing he can even think about. I worry about what will happen when the game finally shuts down someday.

People love what they love, they don’t have to care about what you care about.

Private servers :+1: WoW or FFXIV will never die


I have a splendid idea. Blizz creates a MB server then charges MB’s a one time few to commission it. Then set rules in place that prevents folks from MB outside of that realm with a perm ban. Also no one can join that server without paying the money for entering it. That way no one outside of the server can complain how MB is destroying their realm’s economy. It also allows those who MB to play how they want to play.

Only problem with that solution is that they’d have to ban all types of multi-boxing on normal servers, limiting people to playing only one character at a time. I doubt that would ever happen, but you never know. While there are lots of games that permit multi-boxing, not just WoW, I think I did read about one that had multi-boxing permitted and multi-boxing free realms.

The furthest I’ve seen a game go was SWTOR that had a stated ban on using any keyboard software for the game (even tho they licensed SWTOR branded Razer products, go figure). I used keyboard macros in SWTOR from release, and still do when I occasionally fire it up to play a couple of hours.

I think there are players that for the sake of time that choose not to understand that not all multiboxers are bad. I paid for wow tokens for ingame gold to buy mats on the auction house. I did not have the time to play a lot. MB allowed me the opportunity to do 5 man without waiting on someone or dealing with someone who was wasting my time being too salty. I think a compromise such as I propose seems to be the BoBW. Thank you for your reply and I hope shadowlands will be a good exp for all.

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Blizzard doesn’t need to explain anything. Why should they, when “It’s negatively affecting other people’s gameplay” isn’t enough? They haven’t banned multiboxing, just a type of software. So don’t use it and complain no more.



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Buying more accounts to do content that a single player alone cannot do is a form of pay-to-win. Not just parties - boxers were doing hivemind by themselves and completely bypassed the “find 4 other competent people” element. It’s a degenerate gameplay style no matter how you spin it and it’s P2W.