Multiboxing is pay 2 win. Ban it now

You could make 10 of these threads per day and it’ll still be years before you reach the number of “ban multiboxing” threads we had back in the day.

Save yourself the effort. Blizz isn’t going to ban it.

Me tinks you’re just butt hurt because you either A. Can’t afford to do it, or B. You got rekt by one.

Although these forums are trying their best to reach that lofty goal.

Manual input requires active game window, if your game is minimized and performs any actions at all - it is automation.

If you just alt-tabing between 3 windows and perform actions that way (or have said windows side by side on your screen and you switch focus between them each time you interact with corresponding window) only then it doesn’t violates tos. Any other cases is hacks and should be banable like in any other decent online game (including other blizzard titles)

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You forgot using a multiplexer (hardware or software) to send inputs to all three windows.

The point OP doesn’t understand is that there isn’t a difference between getting killed 1v5 when its one player controlling the 5 or two players controlling the 5, or five players controlling the 5. Guess what there really isn’t a difference if there were zero players controlling 5 and it was just a bot. It is all in your head.

You will have died 1v5 no matter.

As far as the silly ‘can’t afford’ multiple accounts argument goes, the same applies to all the other advantages that are not P2W.

You can’t afford to no life and play 20 hours a day, should we ban no lifes because it is optimal.

You aren’t good enough to get into an elite tryhard guild and have friends, that is also optimal, should we ban tryhards and friends.

You can’t compete in this game simply because you are not competitive. Who cares! It really isn’t much of a competitive game in the first place.

again that’s 3-rd party software(hardware?) allowing automation. Explain me the difference between you sending this input simultaniously to 30 instances of the game while you actually controll just 1, and having a bot script performing those same inputs on those 30 instances instead?
No difference. Only 1 character is actually controlled by human, other 30 are just thralls. So let’s allow running bot scripts as long as they stay within the boundaries of multiboxer capabilities and you control at least 1 actual character? Why not?

Overall, multiboxing software tends simply reproduce your keystroke across multiple World of Warcraft clients. In that case, there generally isn’t anything wrong with it. It isn’t a supported playstyle, but neither is it prohibited.
If the program provides any kind of automation, even if you do not use it, that could cause an issue. If anything I’d recommend talking to the multiboxing community to see what their take on it is.
Sorry I couldn’t provide a clearer answer.

Except for the fact that everything your alleged “bots” dop a single player can do in game right now with default keybings or macros. Want to follow a specific character? Macro. Attack what that character does? There’s a key binding for that. Use abilities? Hot keys. Controlling 10 characters is the same as a single character as far as keypresses are concerned. You can do the same thing with two separate computers too, no software required.

Yep, blizzard decided to see “nothing wrong with it”(while it violates their very own ToS, if you read it for what it is, and don’t start demagogy “Buh 1 key Press per action per client Muh Not automation”) when it’s done in wow. And ban dozens of thousands players in diablo 2 for the very same thing.

Multiboxing is pay 2 win

And that’s exactly why it won’t be banned.

It’s a form of pay2win that Blizzard can justify in their minds with mental jujitsu.

The trick they use is to define pay2win very narrowly - as long as it doesn’t involve winning in raids or rated PVP then it’s not an “advantage”.


You can do it with one computer and alt tabbing. I do that right now. It works, isn’t that hard, just slightly more annoying than key broadcasting software.

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Feel free to quote where specifically in the ToS.

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Then do it without software, I have nothing against a boxer that does it manually, as doing it manually would cripple their capabilites to the ground.

Yes, It is P2W, and it has been tolerated but not supported since vanilla.

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Multiboxing is in WoW since … close to 15 years by now. If it would be against the TOS Blizzard would have done something by now.
Newsflash, they didn’t.

It is rather rare, to actually see someone Multibox ingame.
I can’t speak for you, but i could Multibox
… i just don’t want to.

This is the same like killing people that are much lower level, or have way worse gear then me … it doesn’t bring me any enjoyment. Thats why i don’t participate in that style of play.

I dual box and mainly alt tab. It isn’t crippling. The power is the ingame macros and features, not the key broadcasting. I have occassionaly ran three accounts and alt tabbed those as well. Works fine.

The key broadcasting software lets you relax a little and makes things less tedious.

The simple fact is, given equal number of characters, 2v2, 3v3, 5v5 etc… if one side is controlled by multiple people and the other is controlled by a single multiboxer, the multiboxer is always at a disadvantage. Regardless of using software or alt tabbing.

Usually the multiboxer is going to have better focus fire, but that isn’t enough to counter the benefit of actual multiple players.

“im spending more money but im not paying to win!” Wow at least admit what your doing lol, its blatantly obvious. Acti-blizzard dpesnt care about product quality, they care about cash money.

Now blizzard-north would not let this happen.

Right from the horse’s mouth:
" Multiboxing, or playing multiple World of Warcraft accounts at once, is not a violation of our Terms of Use. We do not actively support multiboxing tools. For questions about setting up or running multiboxing, you will need to refer to third-party sites such as [WoW Wiki]"

There are still multiboxers in bgs. They’ve figured out other ways to move around.