i got a 16 focus st (could not afford rs) but around here manual ain’t so great for a daily with the heavy traffic, might get rid of it and get a CROWN VIC…
I stopped reading here. I’ve been reading this for 15 years. Do you really think you are saying something new?
Oh wait
You were serious?
Cloning keys strokes, without said cloning you would have to do that key stroke 30 times + switching 30 times between windows, and with it it’s done with a single keys stroke, if this is not automation then nothing is.
I Have nothing against people doing it manually like you(as it puts severe limitation on your ability to controll them simultaniously), but you’re the exception from the multiboxer mass.
Multiboxing is for scrubs. If you endorse it or support it, you’re a scrub too.
If multiboxing was “optimal for everyone,” then everyone who CAN afford it would be doing it. I could afford it, but have zero interest in doing so.
What exactly makes it optimal anyway? The multiboxer can farm a bit faster sure, and skip the endless LFG spam. But they’ve still got 5 characters to deal with - 5 different sets of gear, five different bills to pay for skills and repair. They can maybe clear dungeons faster, but they’ve also gotta run them more often if they want their whole team to be geared. And that’s just in PVE.
You seem to be highlighting the benefits without mentioning any of the drawbacks. Why is that?
It was allowed in vanilla should …yes it should be #nochanges.
I think being a multiboxer is punishment enough. It just shows you’re several leagues of dork above everyone else.
I can’t tell if you’re being serious or not, nice trolling!
So, how much “impact” can something have before it becomes bad?
I don’t like multiboxers either. It does some things that is bad for classic.
- Discourages teaming
- Takes up slots in BG PvP that could of been given to other players
- Multibox pvpers are really annoying that don’t use team work to kill players.
defeating a multiboxer means you and your buddies need to get organized and not just charge in to get picked off one at a time, rez and repeat
It is against tos(3-rd party software that allows automation - you controll 1 character, the rest just clone this behavior automatically), but blizzard for some reason decided to read the tos sideways when it comes to this particular matter.
“Automate” is the keyword everyone seems to be missing. Multiboxing is not automated. They’re manual inputs.
There are no multiboxers in BGs because Blizzard (rightly, imo) disabled /follow.
I have never multiboxed, but I’m 100% for it. It’s so rare that I don’t see how everyone feels so strongly about it. They’re incredibly easy to take out. Grab one dude with a cc and fear or stun them.
No its not.
I did it for years.
Depends on context and scale, and in some cases is subjective.
In this case I think the impacts are fairly low, because multiboxing has both pros and cons and isn’t extraordinarily common.
I’ve personally never had any problems with multiboxers, save the one time I ran into a guy “dual boxing” in a dungeon with his second character literally afk auto following. That kind of thing I do have a problem with, but multiboxing itself? Nah.
Ruin it? Are you kidding? Multiboxers 5 kills for the price of one. You clearly don’t know anything about multiboxers or multiboxing other than “What?! not fair! I can’t do that, you shouldn’t be able to either!”
Kill the leader and all the other ones are screwed. It’s free honor (for when that gets implemented)