Multiboxing is out of control

Whats hard to take seriously is someone pushing for EVERYONE ELSE to cater to THEIR crying tantrums.
My grandkids dont even pull that.
Its a video game…go PLAY it.

Show me the interest for a server like that and I’ll have a hard time disagreeing with you.

Show me the interest for a non-multiboxing server. Beyond just you.

uh…Jamba IS an ADDON used for MBing, in addition to other things.

I’m still mad at that guy that used to multibox, and attack me from back in 2005 while I was trying to quest around the South shore, Tarren mill area on Gorefiend realm. Ban multiboxing, so I can finally have my revenge after 15 years of it being allowed :rofl: These multiboxing threads are beyond hilarious lol.


I wasnt the one who started this thread. This is far from the 1st time I’ve seen people complain about multiboxers. Often times it’s a daily occurrence on the forums. To take the stance that I’m the only one who doesnt like boxing is pretty intellectually dishonest to say the least.

and some do about LFR…and that aint going anywhere either.
its a GAME…go play it.

vocal minority.
and Im not convinced half of you arent alts, quite honestly.
We busted a player in an LFR hate thread posting on no less than three characters, pretending to be three players.
Wouldnt surprise me at all if you all were ONE person.


They weren’t asking for a non-multiboxing server. So again, show me some interest in a non-multiboxing server beyond just yourself.

Something that is actually intellectually dishonest is conflating other people’s dislike of multiboxing with your specific idea about non-multiboxing servers.

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Well this comment is the equivalent of not wanting to give thirsty people water because they didnt specifically ask for Aquafina. All I did was offer a solution to the boxing problem people have indicated in this thread. I’ve stated my solution before in threads previously and like minded people have agreed with the idea. To imply nobody wants a server that specifically offers a solution to their problem is beyond dishonest.

While I wish boxing would go away completely we know that wont happen. A better solution would be to offer those tired of seeing boxers in their game a single server where they can play on.

Finally this forum has a history of elitism and condescension. I’m pretty sure we all remember the anti-classic argument and how poorly that turned out for the naysayers. Many were made to look foolish and out of touch. Most said classic wouldnt last a month yet here we are.

you uh…a mindreader now too?
Take a poll. Gather your data. Otherwise…yeah…just stop.

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why…yes…it does…and its coming from YOUR side…as per usual.

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Adding non-multiboxing servers is not the equivalent of asking for a specific brand of water.

So, once again, show me some interest in non-multiboxing servers beyond just yourself.

Blizzard isn’t going to create a special server for just one person.


Somehow I really aint buying this is about you ‘seeing’ MBers. I see them on occasion…they have nothing to do with MY game…affect me in no way.
this is about some imagined AH price fixing that is keeping you, allegedly, from getting what you BELIEVE to be ‘fair’ prices for your farmed goods.

That said…how many BUYERS do you really think will be lining up to pay your AH gouger prices instead of rolling on a normal server and SUPPOSEDLY having those MBing robbers driving mat prices down so they can afford to pay for them?

I got a $100 that says that IF blizzard made such a server, it’d be a ghost town and you’d have no one to sell your stuff to in the first place.

nb4 they say /follow is a hack, and should be banned :crazy_face:


only thing I do use is jamba and its solely for the /follow. Just makes it easier…though the last months I havent been MBing at all to play the game.
I did keybind /follow…just as easy as using the addon, honestly. Another keypress, but sometimes Jamba can do some really stupid crap and nearly cause a wipe when youre running in a group. Almost not worth the risk using in the first place.

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That’d be right.
I’ve seen posts demanding players not be allowed more than one account, and one poster even demanding players not be allowed more than one character.

People can be pretty presumptuous in their demands to restrict the rights of other people, trying to force the world to live by their personal wishes.


Show me that they don’t. It’s not unreasonable to assume that people who want to get rid multiboxers would play on a server where they can avoid boxing completely. The servers are just a different means to the same ends. At least with my solution you can still box if you want to. It’s strange how defensive you are when I’m not even asking for your playstyle to be inhibited in any way. I just want the power for people to choose and it looks like boxers dont.

You’re the one who says the interest is there. You prove it.

It’s strange how you can’t conceive of the idea of a person who doesn’t multibox but is willing to defend multiboxing anyway.


Laughs in vanity mounts.


…give the infantile censoring thing a rest