I wish Blizz would fix the problem by reverting the ore/herb nodes back to single use.
Resources go back to being valuable. Flasks become valuable. Inscription becomes valuable. Blacksmithing becomes valuable. Jewelcrafting becomes slightly less useless. No more obnoxious sled teams polluting the air.
been playing nearly 3 years.
Ive seen a handful of MBers, most of them in ogrimmar showing off mounts.
maybe twice I ran into them farming and it never stopped me from getting the node too…
they did screw my ghost iron ore farming up, but c’est la vie…there are a thousand other things to farm for gold in this game.
I have only seen 1. They were druids, tbh I thought it was kinda cool watching them. I just hovered above and watched for 5 mins or so.
I have a hard enough with just one toon I cannot imagine doing 6 or so at a time.
Lol at all the people saying it doesnt happen. Saw a pic on reddit today where dude spotted 3 groups in one picture. It’s an epidemic and people are being intellectually dishonest just to protect blizzard’s profits.
back in 2009 mining nodes weren’t single use. it took a few right-clicks to use up the node; thus Titanium and Khorium nodes, when spawned, were piled upon by miners (also back then, they didn’t award experience either)
also in 2009 i encountered my first multiboxer in Redridge. team of 5 druids, with four of them having the point character’s name with a, b, c, d respectively at the end
I’m on one of the biggest servers in the game, and I’ve maybe seen 2 multi boxers in my entire time playing WoW, which started 6 months after the retail release of the game.
I have seen it mostly in Nazjatar now but at the start of BFA they were all over. While I am not a fan of this myself there is not much that can be done about it. Blizzard does not care and players don’t care.
I hate them. I am tired of arguing it though it’s obvious Blizzard enjoys their company. But lets not blatantly lie. I see 3-8 of those things per week. They are scum. They ruin the game for others by cheating the system with stupid loop holes in the rules.