Hi there,
today, I wanna show everyone my frustration about multiboxing.
First, I know it’s allowed, and that’s the problem. Multiboxing is just overpowered, and it’s only accessible to rich players in game or rich players IRL. For it you need to have multiple accounts which /follow your main account and with the help of a certain program, take everything you do with your main account and copy it to your other accounts following you. I’ve tried it with one account, it’s easy. And why am I saying that’s only for rich players ? Well 'cause if you want to really multibox, because there’s basically no other ways, you need to buy months on an other account and friend your main account. BUT if you want to get a character to 120 on that second account ( and you will ) you then need to buy BFA on that second account, and so on to all of your accounts you want to add to your multiboxing groups.
So, to buy those months it’s either you pay from real money which will cost tons or you buy tokens with gold that you’ll give to a low level character of your second account so he can buy a token and buy everything he needs. That means :
- Only the players having insane amount of gold can give enought gold to the second account to buy it ;
- Getting a lot of multiboxing accounts give insane amount of gold if you dedicate your time to it.
That means that only rich players can get a lot of gold, so rich players having like 5 million gold can easily at the end of the mounts with 5 accounts have 3 characters with gold cap, and that’s bullshoot !! Why ? Because we ( the people not having a lot of gold ) can’t do shoot, yes, there’s ways of doing golds, yes for some people it’s easy, but for some it isn’t, and that multiboxing is just way too overpowered to even be allowed. Let me tell you in which case it can be broken.
- First in raid, if you’re all druids your main could be a tank and you bind all your balances accounts to any abilites of your main gdruid, or you just get a tank and a healer and with your 10 accounts you’re gtg.
- Second thing, in bgs, of for freaking sake there’s a multiboxer, 10 bdruids, he just one shoted you with his instant cast ability… wow.
- Third thing, in farming, 10 bdruid just took rank 3 Zin’athid, good job with one plant you got over 60 Zin, on my server that’s 2700g for only one plant.
- Last thing, in open pvp area with warmode. Oh hey im just doing my worldquests with warmode on to have some challenge in a 1v1- wait wtf a… 10 BDRUIDS OF NO… - You died - :3
Anyway that’s all for my complaining, I hope that gets to the Blizzard ears / Activisions ears so they ban those who use that shoot. Have a good day ya’ll.
Chainsa - Arthas
I’m not voting for you, Bernie.
From the point of view of another player, there is no difference between a multiboxer and a dozen players strategically cooperating.
Only snowflake syndorme makes someone actually think Multiboxing “prejudicates” them more than the actual Massive Multiplayer Online presence.
Actually, in many cases, a group of friends playing each one one character can be more efficient than a multiboxer that have to divide human reaction time through the stack, and if one of the links in the chain breaks, the multiboxer need to fix that before moving on.
For all that non sense said, it is hardly worth anyone’s attention to this points.
All of them were already addressed by devs and most of their responses are dismissals just more polite than mine.
Yeah dude, cause there are plenty of situations when there is a coach hovering over me and my best bros shoulders while playing in a LAN environment, so we can effectively act upon a situation in game.
And with the lag the servers experience because of all the unoptimized math going in in the background, one person doing several synchronized actions will have more damage than a group filled with the same number of people trying to do the same.
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All that bla bla has no bearing. IT is just “citing possibilities” that have nothing to do with reality.
I played in a very synchronized group of people, many times. We liked to do it for its own sake. And I multiboxed.
Half of what you saying just means nothing. It is just words thrown with no actual argument, however “true” they are.
But go on, I will not bother you anymore with practical experience.
It is not because you dont know how to play or have crappy equipment that everyone else does.
Blizzard as much as they should are not gonna get rid of that cause they are making money of these players who do it. As long as they make money, they do not care.
So why do they ban entire guilds that exploit and all the people that bot? Think of the thousands of dollars they’re losing. They make way more money off people that used the fishing bot than they do multiboxers (basing that off all the people caught in the ban waves.)
Gotta love trying to farm flowers in naz when there are multiple multi-boxers running 10 toons at the same time. You wont get any flowers so what’s the point?
I’ll log off and play another game.
Seen a druid multi boxing over the weekend farming herbs he had at least 10 chars. I kept killing the one leading the pack 
Think i killed him 3-4 times lol. I wish I could of killed them all at the same time but oh well.
I’m not sure uncle Joe is any better
Because you are confusing a BOT with someone that BOXES. Blizzard bans BOTTERS but specifically allows BOXERS and in fact multiple Blizzard employees BOX. If you don’t know the difference I suggest you research the difference in the two. Mo
Sorry, I am confused now. Maybe I misunderstood. Sounds like we are talking the same…I despise BOT’ers but welcome Multi-boxers in short.
Hmm this doesn’t make sense. A multiboxer set up for farming wouldn’t be in WM for the reason you just posted and the new multiboxing software is leaderless.
It’s called FTL. Focusless, targetless, leaderless.
So… killing/fearing/sapping the leader doesn’t disrupt them anymore 
Well, I guess there’s always the possibility you came across a bad multiboxer.
I have two accounts and can run them together… I am not rich in game or irl.
I really dislike the concept of multiboxing if they’re using it to attack other people or gathering resources. But the reality is unless it’s actually hurting the general population it will continue to be allowed.
I’ve only seen a small number during my years of playing this game, so not sure how numerous they are.
What I find most disturbing is how creepy they are whenever I see them. Like yikes! It’s a borg group! 
I know the difference but you’re saying they don’t ban multiboxers because of money. People that bot, exploit and sell carries for cash pay the same subscription multiboxers do. 
These threads always trigger the forum’s big multibox users. It’s pretty funny.
Also give it a rest with the cliche political insults. At least use something original.
Quick maths for the impoverished players: 5 or 10 times 0.01% isn’t crushing the market.
You are mistakenly thinking the market is dominated by multiboxing when we had a fella on here just a day ago talking about his hate for gathering leveling while he was farming 1000+ nodes. That’s one guy who has farmed WAY more herbs than I ever did on my 5 box crew.
You don’t see the thousands of people farming herbs right alongside you because they are in other instances. The multiboxer on the other hand out of sheer convenience needs to be on the same instance. That’s the problem here. You have a warped view of what’s actually going on.
This is the person I was replying to, which I thought was you at first.
I hope you don’t mean me. I don’t multibox.