Multiboxing griefing

This is not a game you want to play with me.

Pretty sure it is cheating.

No, it was ruined before then with multiboxers first.

Nah, flying made Wpvp better. Anyone arguing that is just someone trying to hide their true purpose of getting flying taken out the game permanently.

So, I have to be forced to play a different game mode that I don’t enjoy to have a chance to get a fair game? Not only that. I’m forced to group with people I don’t know and have to communicate even if I have social anxiety? Nah fam.

No automation can move without being told what to do first. That’s the very definition of automation. Give command, follow command.

Not cheating so much, but the fact that Blizzard refuses to acknowledge the blatant and overwhelming advantage that multiboxers have is simply telling. It’s all about money, that’s all they care about.

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Sure mr roboto. I don’t mind playing any kind of game.

It’s not cheating if it’s not against the rules.

It doesn’t even come close to ruining the economy. There aren’t nearly as many multiboxers out there to be capable of doing that.

World PVP is an optional activity. You take part in it at your own risk.

Multiboxing in BGs can be either very strong or very weak. It’s more of a grey area, but again, there aren’t really that many of them out there.

And finally automation, which multiboxing is not since every character is being directly controlled by the player.

So your talking points either over-exaggerate the impact of multiboxers or they are just plain misinformed about how multiboxing even works.

So yeah, you can have as many talking points as you want, doesn’t matter if you don’t know what you’re talking about.


"Multiboxing, or playing multiple World of Warcraft accounts at once, is not a violation of our Terms of Use. "

says who? You?
Bliizzard knows the data…they allow boxing. Clearly the ones who KNOW the game think youre wrong.

“so I have to NOT play in PvP to NOT be pvped?”
uh…yeah…ok :crazy_face:

Activision-Blizzard makes billions of dollars a year. There simply are not enough multiboxers to even account for 1% of that income. It’s not about the money. They allow it because they see it as an interesting alternative way to play the game.

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I’m pretty sure you and your other dwarf friend blocked my main. Volei. Can’t post on my main atm cause I can’t seem to switch characters on the forums atm. Just a heads up incase you wanted to ignore me again.

Speaking of the other dwarf friend. Seems you’re arguments haven’t changed either even when being debunked multiple times XD.

Groups of players net the same exact result.
next ‘problem’.

70,000 bot accounts dealt with says youre wrong.

Congratulations on redefining automation so broadly that it applies to everyone who has ever played the game.

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You have debunked nothing. You just keep posting misinformation.

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Then they are just ethically hypocritical then.

Misinformation or facts? I don’t recall ever spreading misinformation. Multiboxing is botting. Requires other programs to clone your keystrokes and replicate it to other accounts across a pc. Yeah no…Facts.

their definition of ‘ruining the economy’ = “I cant demand top price for my crap”.
Its no wonder blizzard doesnt take them seriously.

Well theres a novel concept.
you mean they CAN turn WM off and not be harassed by gankers?

a little from column A…a little from column B…

It’s not. Blizzard said it’s not.


I think it made it better too but that’s not what people have been saying since TBC.

I don’t know what RBG you have been doing but the ones I’ve been doing are a hot mess. It’s just people yelling at each other nonstop. MB are so rare that they don’t even make a blip on the radar.

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I never worry about gankers. I never worry about a full group of 12 either. It’s a group of 12 multiboxers. I can get away from a group of 12 uncoordinated people. Can’t get away from 12 simultaneous moonfires.

In order for something to be cheating, it has to be against the rules. Since multiboxing is not against the rules, it can not reasonably be described as cheating.

That’s just one example of you posting misinformation since you have to redefine words to keep arguing.

Each client window is performing a single action in response to a single button that was pressed by a human being. The software doesn’t perform any additional actions on it’s own.

Not botting. That’s a second example of you deliberately spreading misinformation because you refuse to do any research into how multiboxing actually works.


Im sure you’ll get there.
Im also sure I’ll have to do a few things along the way.
Or…you COULD just present facts and stop resorting to base emotionalism and hoax arguments.
Just a thought.

you have yet to debunk anything.
Im in these threads every day…all you have is the three points I stated above…

thats it…thats your ENTIRE argument against boxing.
And clearly it AINT enough to convince.

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DUDE :laughing:
youre playing a video game based on WAR and FIGHTING to be the best and get the most…even against your own faction.
You kill and maim and fight your own pets…what ETHICS are you even talking about???

You people keep saying i’m not presenting facts when you just don’t want to accept the facts presented.