Multiboxing griefing

Cheating, ruining the economy, ruining wpvp, ruining bg’s, automation etc.

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You know you don’t use an apostrophe to pluralize acronyms.

well did you kno i cant judge your mog when your profile is hidden?

That’s a bummer.

I do it to make sure we are talking about battle grounds and not bot grounding subterfuge. lol

ima go watch a movie, i hope the dwarves come back lol they’re my favorite :joy: :v:

found the multiboxer in the thread.

What does this mean exactly?

My hunter has a better mog.

It’s a joke you stick.


“Stick in the mud”

Sorry I’m not familiar with young whippersnapper slang.

Something something my lawn.

XD I’m 30. Young whippersnapper I ain’t been in a long time.

Here is my huntar mog.

And my squad with my roommate’s squad. Well different hunters. I have like 18 across my five accounts.

I wonder how many of them have different names and personalities. Probably none. They are all robots.

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Actually all of them do. I multibox to have more rp characters on a RP server.

It’s not cheating. Blizzard has said this many, many times over the past 15+ years.

Cross Realm Zones ruins the economy.

That’s been ruined for years and people have been blaming flying, not MB.

Lol those were also ruined for years. Do rated. Random is a wretched hive of scum and villainy.

It’s not automated. MB toons can’t move without being told to. You can set your bot toon up and go to work. Learn the difference :roll_eyes:

  • bad boxer ganked me
  • bad boxer stole my node
  • bad boxer wont let me gouge.

I agree…you have THREE points to make

Sure. Rialius is different from Riialius and Riallius and Rialiuss.

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thats bots…already against the ToU.

Ive made more gold this week than I’ll spend. I have to give it to my wife to keep from getting enough to get tempted by that AH mount.
Blizzard knows the data from all server economies…they dont seem to be thinking that it does anything of the sort.

yawn…not a TOU violation as per blizzards own statement