Multiboxing griefing

Wouldn’t that kind of be seen as a disadvantage for the multi-boxer though? vs fighting 5 normal players?

When I was multi-boxing, it was because I didn’t want to have to play with other players. So if a multi-boxer is running around with say 5 toons. It should realistically only be those 5 toons. As opposed to someone that might just be playing by themselves and then they could call any number of people to their aid in theory.

Also speaking of the 5 / 10 pack of toons. Wouldn’t that just follow real world behavior? If people are wanting safe passage through some place, what is a good way of doing it? By traveling with a lot of people. If people are going to go raid some place, what is a good way to do it? By traveling with a lot of people. Or in this case the player is traveling with a lot of toons.

As far as being able to communicate quickly or not. If a group gets together beforehand and they are wanting to go on a PVP raiding spree. The only thing they really need to say is. “If you see red, nuke it to dust!” After that, they can just roam the countryside and talk about the weather or sports all the while just nuking player after player with whatever spam they want. Don’t really need to communicate even that if you are getting together for the sake of just wanting to PVP nuke people. Because you already all know why you are there.

If anything though, I would say the multi-boxer would be at the disadvantage. When I see a multi-boxer traveling, the toons tend to be just in tow. Making the group very susceptible to AOE’s. Where as a group of players can travel spread out.

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It’s not like a full human party gangs up on a solo player and continually 1 shots them

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I do not think so because its harder to get a group of humans than it is to fire up a program of drones that duplicate all the actions from one keyboard stroke. In terms of time to get the group going multiboxing is easier to do so more consistently. Humans have to worry about things like a schedule, life, responsibilities and priorities. A multiboxer just has a small army for themself ready to go at the click of a few buttons. Its very theoretical if you can get people together in time to respond to a multiboxer whereas a multiboxer can just click and go like starting an engine in a car.

But thats requiring a person to theoretically always recruit people. See what I wrote above. To continue on that the multiboxer will always have the advantage over the regular player or player group because they dont need to depend on anyone else. Its essentially the opposite of an mmorpg if you can do everything by yourself and you dont need anybody to help you. The game should not be designed to support that type of anti mmorpg capability.

I disagree about it being that easy. Usually people spread out and come back in to help each other when fighting in the open world. Multiboxers have every drone next to them and moving exactly like they do and initiating attacks together and at the same exact time. There is no spreading out its just every drone clumped Together and attacking a person at once with immense power at 1 ms speeds.

Its like bringing a knife to a gun fight where the multiboxer has the fully automatic gun.

Everytime the multiboxers start pvping in capital cities or random zones the lag becomes unbearable and I am usually dead between frames. Its very annoying an not organic at all. Especially when you bring server lag into place. A 1 ms communication lag va human + system lag is not fun.

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And I doubt most guildies are going to be very interested in fighting against 40 enemy players in either scenario.

Phatfarm’s second scenario would most likely result in his guild mates telling him to get into another shard.


yes well I came from a PvP server too and I never heard anyone call for help

My fondest memories of MoP and Legion were going out with guildies to world pvp and do world quests and helping guildies that are getting attacked and then getting helped by guildies when I was getting attacked.

Don’t guilds manage to do this very thing on the so called raid night? Why would that have to be any different. Be in a guild and set a date and time and have it be PVP NUKE DAY!

Sure multi-boxing can do it more often, but this isn’t something that is strictly regulated to the multi-boxing community. People could probably even set up a discord channel and be like HEY we are getting together on x days at x time. Come join the party as we go on a nuking spree. The more people you get interested the more often these PVP raids can go on and eventually the only difference becomes one group might be a multi-boxer and the next very well could be a group of people that planned this a few days ago. Which could easily turn into this is something that was started a month ago and now everyone that is interested is joining these raid nights / days all the time because someone took the initiative to set it up.

Sure I suppose this would make sense depending on the group setup. If you have a bunch of casters and they stay within range of one another. They don’t have to close ranks because they can just nuke the person from where they are.

Might be even worse if that group is composed of a bunch of BM hunters or other class that has a pet.

I concede that you are correct that players would can do and probably would need to do that in order to have fun in the world. However it was not always like this. There was a time where people logged on any time of any day and would be able to fight back in an organic way against people. Over the years it has become more Efficient and easy to just multibox drones than it is to get people together.

Players feel like the right way to play is getting closer to multiboxing than just playing solo. And if that is Blizzards intention they might as well say it and make a blizzard sponsored program to allow the masses access to this without a third party tool

Ruin manages to pull together multiple 40 man groups several times a day.

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I just wanted to point out that voice chat exists and it makes communication rather fast.


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Everyone has their own opinions about things. Take a look at the topics on the forums, look at some of the replies that you see.

The forums are a small sample of the WoW community sure.

But the question is, if that was your first impression of the WoW community. Would you really want to group up with other people?

I wouldn’t. I would be scared to even say hi to someone because I would be worried someone would be like, “GET OUT NOOB! you don’t even have a maxed out toon!”

Multi-boxing allows players to enjoy the game and sidestep a lot of the garbage that comes with the more negative side of the community that seems to plague this game.

Avoiding toxic players in the community shouldn’t come at the cost of destroying others solo experience. That’s poor sportsmanship and a cop out.


oh GIVE IT A REST LMBO…theyll gank you just as easily guy…just stop with the jokes please.
and guy …you can call it botting till the aliens invade from deep space and it AINT gonna be any more true then than it is now

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they sure dont bother my rig when they pile into orgrimmar.
Maybe this is your set up?

As long as multi boxers pay x5 or x10, x25, x40 times the normal person in subs they’re not going to treat it as a concern.


Does this same theory also apply to people that spread / parrot misinformation due to a lack of understanding how something works?

Even when those that do understand what is being questioned is willing to explain to them and point out the flaws in their misinformation?

I can understand a lack of understanding. If you don’;t know how something works. You’re probably going to have a lot of misinformation and misconceptions. Yet when the information is being presented to point out and correct the wrong information. All it is met with is. I don’t care what you are saying, nor do I care if you’re right.

That seems like a bit of a cop out and possibly poor sportsmanship as well. Or maybe it’s just my bias.


From reading this, I don’t see it so much as people not understanding how something works. I’m seeing it as they know how it works but offer ways of improvement.

Improving things is good. However, from reading the attitude of some of the posts here, I am willing to wager my retirement pension that those opposed to any improvement are those who do things specifically to grief others. The ones I see parroting are the ones who are told a way to improve the system yet “parrot” the status quo. My initial thought is “they were stating how something can be better, they didn’t ask you how things are right now.”

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Multiboxing teams work off /follow, you can’t /follow a target that’s engaged in WM pvp so in your scenario where OP is running for his life the MB team wouldn’t be able to follow him.


That’s a long paragraph just to try to tell me that you think I don’t know what I’m talking about. I do.