Multiboxing griefing

:joy::joy: he really is though!

PS, I’m in his side.

as i said…

in response to this sort of joke…

What even is organic multiboxing.

It sounds like hipster crap.

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Its like tofu…but not…its fauxfu…

It’s actually worse than the imbeciles who talk about organic roleplay.

Thats fine. Still funny

that ‘it isnt done organically’ crap is a total laugh.
The game is LITERALLY set up to box…EIGHT accounts can run from a launcher and MULTIPLE launchers are allowed.
go try that with ESO, lol.

These guys kill me with the total ignorance of this game

I would feel sorry for people getting ganked by a 12 squad if they stopped trying to punish me for it by taking away my playstyle when I don’t farm or PvP.

All trying to victimize me does is make me saltier than the dead sea.

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I guess I get it…but I have no pity on ganking victims now like I did on pvp servers.
Blizzard gives them the remedy and they spit in bliz face and turn WM on anyway…then like a child throw a hissy fit at blizzard because they willingly put the PUNCH ME shirt on and got punched.

I dont feel sorry for gank victims in the least now.
I think gankers who target lowbies are admitting to being unable to fight equally geared players and its pathetic…but the victim has the control now, not the gankers.
So they get ganked by 74 druids boxing…and now its just a funny story I tell the wife. lol

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First, the key stroke is not being 'duplicated. It’s being broadcast to multiple windows. See my comparison to 5 TVs being controlled by a single remote.

Also, Windows 10 says hi.


So its a scripting program that broadcasts all your keys to essentially duplicate them. The lag is probably 1ms to communicate and 1 ms to see many wow clients do the same thing. Its impossible to do anything against that as its not humanely possible to communicate at that speed. Its essentially duplication and semi automatic automation

I guess if people had 3 computers and 3 keyboards and played the 3 toons that way, it wouldn’t be considered ‘automated’? Because obviously there is a person there working those 3 keyboards to play those 3 characters rather like 3 people playing on those 3 keyboards.

Now pretend that those 3 pieces of equipment are merged into one through software and technology. Still a person controlling the 3 characters, just not on 3 separate machines. Does that somehow magically make it automated?

Automation is what bots do. You can go away, leave a bot running all day without you being there and it will function entirely automatically.

Take a hot water kettle that you fill up and hit the switch and it turns itself off when it reached a specific temperature. That’s an automatic kettle. But if you take that water and put it in a pot on the stove and watch it and go and turn it off when its hot, that isn’t automated. While the heating is being done by the stove, you control the stove. That right there is the difference.

I’m not wild about multiboxers, but I do know the difference between bots and multiboxers.

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The software ISBoxer creates an addon when you export your settings to innerspace but I don’t know what it does.

Can’t get what you want if you’re not willing to fight for your cause :stuck_out_tongue:

There’s a program called I think that’s why people use it? I dunno.

I wonder if MB threads will go away in SL :thinking: Probably not because people will still be getting ganked

The rule is: One key, one action per client. If I press 2 and all my mages do arcane explosion it’s fine, even if I have 400 mages but if I press 2 and all my mages do arcane explosion then drop a table I’ll get banned.

Except I’m actually sitting here for 7 hours pressing buttons vs sitting on my couch watching t.v while a bot does the work

Why? You don’t need much computer to multibox, I have an i5-3570k, RX580 video card, 32gb ram and a 512gb SSD and I 5 box with no problem.

There’s a noticeable difference between me playing one character and me playing 5, I wish multiboxing worked the way people thinks it works, it’d be a lot more enjoyable.

Free range organic multiboxing :smiley:

He means that if you build a computer and put nothing on it but the Blizzard launcher and download wow you can’t multibox, he’s wrong, but that’s what he means.


Never. Multiboxing is multiboxing.
And griefing is griefing.


They can redefine anything they want to LMAO…BLIZZARD ALLOWS WHATEVER its called…whatever semantics game they want to play with it…its ALLOWED
and that really is the END of the debate. lol

And its pretty telling that its THIS obvious that it IS ‘organic’ and somehow that guy isnt able to figure it out, lol
I mean, its akin to seeing a stray dog on the street and saying ‘nope, that aint a dog’ LMBO

And thats what Blizzard says. If it does what it does…if it can do it without a player sitting there PLAYING, its a bot…automated and is a violation.

Its amazing that this topic is still going on. Not this thread…this entire discussion.
Im not stupid enough to believe for a second that even ONE of these people hasnt FULLY understood whats been said to them.
Theyre INTENTIONALLY being obtuse just to keep arguing about it.
I believe thats literally the underlying motivation for real ‘trolling’.

Turn off warmode. A group of multi boxers are no different than another group of players for that kind of thing. Or do you think you would beat a group of 12 players?


Nah a group of players actually need to communicate and respond to each other which takes time. A Group of multibox drones have a 1 ms lag time between when the first button is clicked and 39 other wow clients duplicate that button click based off the multiboxing program you use. The two examples are completely different because the second one uses drones and semi automatic botting