Multiboxing griefing

I googled “define cheating” and at the bottom was a link

Being able to farm 24/7 apparently offers “no gameplay advantage whatsoever”.

Yeah, it’s almost like there are two vastly different situations and you’re drastically oversimplifying things.

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No, it was one on one, but one person had the power of TWELVE due to running a program that is not part of the game and does something the game was not designed to do.

If the vanilla devs decided to allow multiboxxing then the game has been designed to do it since day 1


So what you are saying is a person playing the game as intended should not be able to enjoy a part of the game because people using non-authorized, third-party add-ons that do something the game did not intend will attack them?

Any add-on that gives you an advantage over another player who is not using the add-on is problematic. These aren’t cosmetic add-ons or convenience add-ons that don’t impact other people. People are gaining a distinct advantage over other players who are not using add-ons. And since the TOS says that you use add-ons at your own risk and that they are not supported by Blizzard, you arguing that effectively a player has to be willing to put the security of their account and computer at risk to use an add-on they don’t want to use to protect themselves from other players using the add-on.

How is this different from an add-on that hacks the DPS of a warlock and can atuo-kill another player? Or an add-on that allowed you to “pick pockets” and steal gold from another character’s account? Any add-on that negatively impacts another player’s ability to play the game as it was created is clearly cheating.

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Allowed…or simply a hole in the code? The game doesn’t allow multiboxxing organically. It requires other programs to make it happen. So, no, it was not “designed” to allow multiboxxing otherwise I could have all of my characters on my account active simultaneously to run a dungeon without needing dungeon finder.

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Wrong. I twas 12 characters vs. 1 character. Only in the mind of an anti-multiboxer could someone think they had a chance in that scenario.

Also? Your keyboard and mouse drivers are software that is not part of the game, big whoop.

The game is designed to allow multiboxing to exist. Blizzard has supported the ability to multibox since before the game even launched. They could have made it much more difficult to do if they didn’t want people to do it.


No that is not what I’m saying.

If they aren’t intended then Blizzard will break them and ban the people doing it.

Again…if you are dying in War Mode then it’s your fault. Geeze people.

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you got a personal problem I need to flag?


The ability to easily launch multiple instances of the client without having to do anything special is how they allow multiboxing. Software just makes it easier to do.

Key word “account” as in singular. The other people have set up and leveled characters across multiple accounts in order to multibox.

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Because have NOTHING but self interest, lies and exaggeration.
they know it…we know it.

Yea seems to be escalating to personal now.

It’s allowed.

As Mirasol indicated in the first reply to this topic, multiboxing is allowed but not supported. This means that Blizzard Support cannot suggest software, or help troubleshoot problems you may encounter.

finding more links from the blues for you…


What is “as intended”? The game is there for you to play however you choose within the rules :slight_smile:

A lot of addons would fall under this

I assume you’re using “addon” to mean anything not in the base game since no ingame addon can do this. Software that would do these things would likely be considered a hack and be against the ToS

No. We consider it be an alternative playstyle; not everyone can do it, but if a person is willing to devote the concentration and capital to such a venture–legitimately–we’re perfectly fine with it.


No, it doesn’t, other programs make it more manageable, you can do it without any software.

You can’t play characters on the same account at the same time, if you were to move your characters to other accounts then you could.


its not dishonest…the game maker has allowed it for ever.
Its not unfair advantage…ANYONE HERE can do it.

they have nothing. They know it…we know it.


as intended?
You mean intended as in the GAME LAUNCHER is literally set up to run EIGHT wow accounts/characters?

absolute nonsense.
I use farm hud…I have ‘advantage’ in farming over those who CHOOSE not to use that addon.
YOU dont get to CHOOSE to walk then demand that WE not drive …sorry.


are you talkng WOW?
If so you are utterly ignorant or lying.
I can run ALLof my accounts thru the launcher itself and WITHOUT a single addon or 3rd party app.
I can also run BOTH retail AND classic at the same time for god sake.

yeah…it WAS …and IS.
How in gods name you overlooked the facts here blows the mind.

uh…I have.
Five accounts running, boom into a dungeon.


How can you say that the game was designed to allow multiboxing when people need all this extra stuff that doesn’t involve the game to do it? At best it’s a grey area.

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It’s about as “grey” as addons are.


uh…because AGAIN the GAME LAUNCHER is literally set up to run EIGHT accounts?
And it allows multiple launchers to be run? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
‘designed’. You know what that means, I assume.

uh huh…there is a folder in your game directory where you can put these little nifty things called ‘addons’, ya know?
And they do things for you the BASE GAME DOESNT…you know…like showing your DPS or threat or healing…you know…that stuff they DIDNT put into the game :wink:

By your joke NO addon should be allowed regardless of what it does and the game wasnt ‘designed’ to use them when it CLEARLY was LMBO.