Multiboxing griefing


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so go start reporting the bots, who are detrimental to ALL PLAYERS, instead of qq’ing about a single multiboxer
 just because your feelings were hurt. :roll_eyes:


Don’t worry. I always do.

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Watching people defend these botters is honestly just a meme. As an eve online player I know what it means to be a legit multi boxer. What’s going on now is just abuse of a program.


It doesn’t quality for a ban because it’s not “breaking the rules.” While yes, it is shady, crappy and every other negative term you can think of (and no intelligent person will disagree). There can be other suggestions for changing this sophomoric playstyle, which someone suggested putting multiboxers in their own shard. Keep multiboxers against multiboxers.

However, I don’t see Blizzard doing that because that 8-person druid squad I saw last night is still 8 subs. That’s still $112 a month they’re making plus buying the game. If they made it so these people can’t go around gibbing people, they would likely only have 1, maybe 2 subs, which is less income.

PvP in War Mode? What?!?

Stay out of War Mode if you can’t deal with PvP, Blizzard already removed PvP servers due to players complaining about PvP on PvP servers.

You don’t get to define what is and isn’t cheating, only Blizzard does. This has been a thing since the start of the game, there is no yet about it.

Yes, I do. Its me. I play the game.

You’re a random player, you don’t get to define anything here. You can pretend that you get to define whatever it is that you want but that’s just in your own little make-believe world. Here in the big picture you aren’t defining anything.


Yeah, I’m not the only one. One day when the verdict comes.

Multiboxing is borderline cheating

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When do you really think it’s coming? They have allowed it and said it’s okay from the start of the game. That was almost 16 years ago. Keep the faith, I guess. lol

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It’s very clear to see who uses multiboxers in this thread lol. Can’t believe it’s still allowed to be abused farming/pvp etc
I mean it’s free bliz money that’s why but realistically for the games health it should be banned. #banmultiboxing


Maybe it will, maybe it won’t.

I never needed to cheat anyway.

Yes, #banmultiboxing

It’s not a valid argument when discussing the merits of something. Many things in history have/haven’t been against the rules or law and have been changed.

Oh lord
please don’t start acting like Multiboxing is akin to something like slavery. Like, y’all are goofy enough about this already without doing something like that.

Eloquently put.

Ban the third party programs multiboxers use as a crutch!

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when its griefing in a way that a non boxer would be considered griefing, I’d think.
Why do boxers get special rules?

Would you have felt better if it was 12 players instead?
Does that make it better?
Turn WM off. Problem solved.

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When I did box, I used in game macros. Banning something aint going to stop them from boxing.