A group or raid leader has to take into account the needs and desires of many different people. He has to distribute loot fairly or the group will disband. The multiboxer pays extra money to not have to share loot or compromise with other players. The multiboxer pays to avoid many of the difficulties of the game.
It’s the same pay to win argument. Multiboxers pay for an easier game and an easier play style. They could never get the advantages they pay for in the game for free.
Incorrect, the multiboxer doesn’t pay more than the group that you’re comparing to. In your first sentence you describe what a group or raid leader does then you state the multiboxer pays extra? That’s an incorrect statement because it’s the same as the group. The multiboxer goes above and beyond the challenge of playing only one account. The multiboxer must do heals, dps, agro control and control all aspects of the battle if the multiboxer has no one else with them. So your argument on extra money doesn’t hold up if you’re comparing a 5 account multiboxer to 5 people playing 5 separate accounts. It’s the same amount to the game company.
Incorrect as it’s more challenging for a multiboxer to control more than one character. You’re switching between the pay-to-win argument and how the multiboxer plays versus individual players. You haven’t addressed how multiboxing is pay-to-win versus the same size group. All of the accounts are paid with the same money. And you are not addressing what it is you mean and how it’s ‘easier’. It appears you’re simply making false statements and assuming the reader understands what it is you mean with those false statements without backing up that statement.
Ok so let’s not discuss ‘pay for convenience’ then? I don’t quite follow why you even mentioned that if you are now backing up to an earlier statement. How is multiboxers paying for an easier game and an easier play style if the multiboxer must control all aspects of a battle in a dungeon run. Or anything else for that matter such as PvP. The multiboxer still has to control the damage output, heals, etc along with crowd control at the appropriate times. A single player has it easier to control only one character but with a multiboxer controlling more how is that easier? Please explain.
Oh. Ok. It’s the same amount of money. That’s all that really matters. I’m glad you have a multi-billion dollar company’s interest at heart. Would be a shame for them to get taken advantage of.
I’m pretty sure the main difference lies in our bank statements every month. I’m paying $15 for the chance to play with other people, they’re paying $30-45+ a month to play with themselves.
The part that confuses me is how anyone who doesn’t multibox themselves would defend it, or even care enough to be so vocal of it’s defense other than the sake of being bored and wanting to play devil’s advocate, unless you actually like showing up to a quest area only to see multiboxers spamming arcane explosion and multishot like no tomorrow.
“It’s gonna take me at least twice as long to get this quest done! Look at them go! This is great! Better rush to the forums to defend these absolute ballers!”
So we finally get to an agreement that a multiboxer isn’t any more pay-to-win than the same size of players that play the characters individually. Great. Thank you
Ok, so now we want to change from the pay-to-win argument to ‘source of the money’. Since we’ve moved on passed pay-to-win we want to change to another area of arguing against a multiboxer. So what is the issue with source of the money? People have varying situations with their income. How does this address anything to do with playing the game? Just as people have varying situations with the amount of time they can play the game people have all kinds of different situations with funding their enjoyment in online video games. How does this apply to this discussion?
Because each individual character needs to be leveled up, trained, and geared. It takes quite a bit of effort. What you’re really doing here is whining that people who have put in more effort have an advantage over you, and you want Blizzard to come hold your hand and take care of you.
Not to butt myself in this wonderful convero, but i would imagine what the others are talking about is something like this on the topic of money:
An account costs $15 per month to run, which for a year, that’s $180. (Not counting taxes here)
A normal person (for all intents and purposes for this comment) has 1 account.
Focusing on 1 person, that one person pays $15. Now if that same one person has 5 accounts, that $15 a month gets multiplied by 5 (or how many accounts he has) to $75 a month, or $900 a year.
In a group of 5 different people, 5 accounts each, the spending total together is $75, but each individual, cause they have 1 account each, it’s $15 each as well.
What are your stakes in this exactly? Like, what do you gain to win by supporting multiboxers? I’m assuming you aren’t one since you didn’t even know how it worked with the multiple accounts earlier.
I’m asking because it seems pointless to continue arguing with someone who didn’t even know multiboxers used multiple accounts a little while ago, or grasps the concept of how multiboxing can affect things in game beyond just “Blizzard makes the same amount of money”, as if that has any bearing on why you or I play the game.
How does this personally affect you, if you don’t actually multibox and don’t seem to have a problem with it, but do have a problem with those against it? Just seems like a lot of effort to make for an argument for not much reward.
I can tell you how it affects me: when I log in to a session and see at least 5-10 multiboxers while I’m out and about trying to quest, knowing I’m going to have a harder time tagging mobs against them due to having to be more careful, coupled with the fact they sure as hell aren’t going to want to group to “get it done” because why do they need to?
I’m now at a disadvantage right off the bat simply because I don’t have the means or the inclination to do the same. That’s what everybody means by “pay to win”. It has nothing to do with the amount of money Blizzard makes. You’re the only one that’s been trying to enforce that argument. I think most people realize that Blizzard is going to do ok money wise regardless of multiboxers.
Sure we will. I invite people to my part all the time to help us both get our kill quests done faster.
Being at a disadvantage because of choices you’re making does not mean that other people should have their choices restricted. The entitlement here is astounding.
Not the people arguing that blizzard allows MB because of subs.
This would be more compelling if multiboxxing was considered the norm and I was the outlier.
It’s also funny to me how the people who can afford such a gameplay commitment look at those who can not or do not want to invest in such things as “entitled”. To me it’s entitled to do something just because you can, regardless of how it can affect others.
Entitlement is too personal and perspective based to make for a solid argument. Try again.
No, I look down on you because you can’t be bothered to put in the level of effort and commitment to gain an advantage that others do, and rather than just accepting it, you whine and want Daddy Government (aka Blizzard) to change things to your advantage.