Multiboxing - Extremely Positive Asset for WoW Classic

yeah but this exploit is game wide. its not a localized part of the game that can be fixed without much blowback. to fix the multiboxing problem you would have to do a lot more than patch and at this point it would be a harsh banwave and most likely wont happen

I had a tbi a few years ago. Sometimes new things just never make sense.

Of course , my many fine qualities are self evident, Thanks for noticing and mentioning them though, it always helps one to stay the course!

Yea fair enough. I used lidc (hotkeynet works too) 1-60 and then some. They’re pretty much just strictly broadcasting software and are much simpler to just hop in and use.

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I’ll take a look. I was pretty frustrated the last time and gave it a pass for a while, but I’d like to give it another go.

I still use Lidc when I’m just dual boxing because it is so much simpler to manage

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That’s probably exactly what I’m looking for, then. I just want a pocket healer or a couple mages.

Hotkeynet is pretty awesome. Their example script is all you really need to get started.

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Yea, if you’re not doing a 5s team at least ISboxer is probably overkill. If I’m dual boxing, I just set macros on the healer for [@target] cast heal and set up a key bind on the main to to activate the macros on the healer for each character (shift 1,2,3 etc)

Isboxer let’s you do crazy stuff like just click on any character from the main and have your healer cast without having to set 5 macros, but unless you’re 5 manning dungeons/raids its not really necessary

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Couldn’t have anything to do with the misinformation this player base perpetuates?
There’s players who call it botting and have never read the policy.

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so does bubble-hearthing

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no wonder you also said this

Reading that second sentence and integrating it with the fact I am obviously pro-multiboxing was a bit of a stretch for you, huh?

nah, I read it. it’s not about what you are pro- for, but your understanding on what multiboxing is

How exactly is multiboxing an “asset” to the community?

I patiently await your LOW IQ response.

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Exploits that are flaws in the game design. You don’t pay extra to buy them.

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Company shills are paid to sell the company policy. There are company shills that defend gold buying now. Probably some of those same company shills defended banning gold buying before the policy changed


You’re not big on context clues, I see.

Multiboxers are a cancer. They are paying extra money to cheat in the game. 1 player is supposed to be 1 character. It’s not logical for someone to have their own private zombie army. I consider it a new low for threads to now be created defending multiboxing, as if the people doing it in the normal threads weren’t disgusting enough. It’s cheating, it’s exploiting, and you could even call it P2W. There’s nothing “positive” about it unless you’re the one cashing the sub checks.

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not cheat.
within game rules.

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