Multiboxing - Extremely Positive Asset for WoW Classic

And you gave a false answer. It’s not like that. The multiboxer takes longer time to kill things than players would. Given the same gear, and size 5 players would clear a dungeon much faster than a multiboxer would.

Oh you stated groups, not multiboxers. Ok so we’re in agreement then. My bad.

right and so by paying money you can get these benefits without having to group

And? If a group not multiboxed can do it what is the issue? Why do you have an issue only when a multiboxer does it?

because by paying more money than someone else for an increase in performance it creates an artificial market for performance and gives performance a dollar figure. also known as pay to win

Incorrect because the group paid the same as the multiboxer did.

Also the group would clear the dungeon faster.

When you make the pay-to-win argument you want to compare to one person playing one account. You don’t want to compare apples to apples. We were on the right subject this time because you referred to the group. Then you go back to the pay-to-win with regard to comparing apples to oranges (one player playing one account)

you understand the difference between players and characters?

That’s exactly my point! You go back to the pay-to-win argument and want to then discuss how one person is paying $15 instead of discussing what the group paid.

You first agreed that the group clears with more efficiency. Then you go back and want to state pay-to-win as it compares to only one person playing one account.

If you’re going to make a statement that the group is more efficient then the comparison of money on the account should be to the group, not a single account.

what are you talking about?

You made the above statement. That’s what I’m referring to now. You went back to comparing the multiboxers group to one person. Instead of to the group of players that has the efficiency.

you want me to compare the money to the account?

OH ok. yeah because it is one person

You made this statement prior to the other one. You indicated that a group has benefits and can get the efficency done by clearing the dungeon. Then you went back to comparing the multiboxer to one account instead of the group.

yeah because people play this game, not characters, and players dont think about their level of power compared to other characters, they think about their level of power compared to other players

A group can clear a dungeon right? So why would you compare a multiboxer of 5 accounts to only one account? That makes no sense. If a group can do the clear as you indicated and a multiboxer can pay for the characters in a group to do the same thing as a group would, why would you go back to comparing to one account? It makes no sense.

We had everything discussed then you went back to comparing the multiboxer to one person paying one account. Which doesn’t address why it’s ‘unfair’ to 5 real people forming a group to a multiboxer forming a group.

because the comparison to one account is more accurate since the average player plays one account

it does actually, because one player paying for one account is the standard method of playing the game. one player paying for 5 accounts gets out of having to find a group and can also perfectly coordinate his characters to do the same thing 5 other players would do

Let’s back up a little. I asked you why it’s ‘unfair’, you stated it was unfair because groups can clear dungeons. Not a multiboxer, but groups. Then you stated that a multiboxer can play to have the same benefits as the group would. Then you went back and want to compare the multiboxer to one person paying one account. Which doesn’t make any sense. If the group clear the dungeon but a single player can’t why would you compare the amount paid by the 5 man multiboxing team to one account. It makes no sense to do that.

its obvious that it would apply to a multiboxer because multiboxers are in groups with themselves

because thats what were discussing