Multiboxing = Cheating

Tos or not, the community does not welcome multi-boxxers, thus via community it is cheating.

This has to be satire. Thanks for the laugh before bed.

Goodnight all.


Sorry, but this isn’t true. If it were we wouldn’t still be using AP, azerite gear would have been long gone, and we would have unlocked essences instead of gated and then unlocked - these are just some examples.

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Multiboxing may not be against the ToS, but it should be. All it does is hurt normal players, nerfing gold farms because someone with 10 accounts was getting too much too quick from it, dropping the prices on mats in the AH since they can tap the same node 10 times at once, therefore keeping it profitable if they drop the prices.

Might as-well be botting, one keystroke, numerous actions through numerous clients.


Sorry, you don’t speak for the community nor does any one on the forums. You only speak for yourself.


So would you say that multiboxing is just another fancy “pay-to-win” thing? Curious.

agreed lol. im part of the community. I multibox two accounts. idgaf what anyone says. <3

If the community is “ok” with this then one; when games bans multi-boxing they cheer the dev team for doing so and 2; why does it comes up on the forums frequently requesting it to be banned?

Community don’t like multi-boxers, sorry.

it is. /10 char


Congrats! :cookie: :star:

Yeah mission tables starting in WoD didn’t add to this. 5k gold from a paragon chest. One kill WQs for 200+ gold.

Hurting normal players by saving them gold at the AH. Oooooook.

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Again, you don’t speak for the community

Because it’s the same 10 malcontents cut and pasting. It’s also a troll topic now and it quite guaranteed to get a lot of bites.


actually no it is not, it is a frequant discussion that had been going on for 15 years by a good amount of people. not the same guys over and over again.

These forums are a very, very small percentage of the actual community.


in and out of the forums, multi-boxing is hated. sorry.

okay. you made a statement. now what? you sound like a broken record.

I agree, multiboxers doing the mission tables and paragon chests were trash, thanks for adding to my argument.

Where do the normal players get their gold then? :clown_face: Not profitable to farm herbs/ore with multiboxers drowing the market in them, supply and demand, and they’re supplying too much at once

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So do the multi-boxxers that go “nuh-uh”!

There are multiboxers that will never read this because they are content playing a video game while others sit around the forums complaining about their fun.

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Maybe if their fun wasn’t directly impacting my fun and ability to do things how I want in the game it wouldn’t be an issue.

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