I wrote a small app to help with my multiboxing taking into consideration the new TOS:
- It rearranges my client windows into neat lille borderless windows with fixed locations.
- It delivers keyboard input to whatever client the mouse is hoovering over.
- It can “auto tab” to next client on keypress, delvering one key per client before jumping to the next window, in a cyclic manner.
Very simple and no broadcasting to multiple clients at the same time. It follows the “one key, one client, one action” principle at least.
Unfortunately, nobody is going to be able to give you the green light on something like this. Blizz doesn’t “approve” third party software of any kind.
The only thing Blizz can do is reiterate the current rules regarding not sending a single keystroke to multiple clients.
That said, it doesn’t sound like it’s currently violating any rules that I’ve seen.
Our policies specific prohibit Input Broadcasting Software, so assuming you aren’t use that and you aren’t otherwise automating game play, you seem to be within policy. However, it’s not a set up we can really review or otherwise approve or disapprove. Sorry.
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Sounds like a third party piece of software that does that for you would possibly get you banned as stated Blizzard doesn’t approve third party software to be used.
incorrect, Blizzard said that the use of key broadcasting software is prohibited. They was quite specific. A blanket “third party software” ban would include any thing running while playing wow, like voice software and some overlays.
Thank you for the replies, I should probably have phrased my question a little better to be more like “would this fall within new policy” or similar. But the long and the short of it is just me trying to be compliant with the new ToS, which is the best I can do whilst still enjoying my kind of fun. Time shall tell