Multiboxing ban and gathering professions

I’m going to report on sight as well.

I don’t have the means to differentiate someone using software vs using hardware to box.

Let Blizzard sort them out.

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It feels good to be a Paladin. Fair and just is all that matters, am I right? The cheaters shall be punished.

Canonically, my character is supposedly good.

But in my head-canon, he is, the most evil prelate you’ll ever have the misfortune to encounter.

So it is NOT a ban on Multi boxers, good glad we cleared that up

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Its a ban on multibotters, which like 80% of this community was. happy?

They didnt ban boxing.
I just fired up a couple accounts…the way I used to box Im not affected at all (in game macros and manually controlling each farming action).

What this DID do, however, is make it so those boxers with $20,000 rigs will be the only ones who can keep box farming like they were…ie the 1% wins big time.

Eeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyy! Rahk is back! :grinning:

Boxing is still allowed guy…youre going to see as many boxers as you have been…they’ll just have to do it without the 3 party keyclone crap.
Easy enough to do.

Get a squad of robots or YouTube followers to do your farming for you. That’s the only permissible way to multibox. (I get you can play two screens, but I mean with any sort of decent efficiency gains on more than 2 boxes.)

No, we quite literally wont see the same amount of boxers. This makes absolutely 0 sense.

No it’s NOT a ban on multi boxers. Please go read for yourself. It is a ban on SOFTWARE.

if it was literally worth it…and it isnt…Id offer up three words…‘class…action…suit’.

Sorry read again, I said multibotters(The cheating community of multiboxers) Also please read this Why are refunds NOT being given after an abrupt change in policy? - #37 by Orlyia your hardware work arounds will indeed be targeted.

You sound like a person who is unsophisticated and incurious. You yourself told us you know nothing whatever about professions despite many years of play.

“Alt-tabbing” involves cycling through open applications on your screen. Randomly alt-tabbing through full-screen applications to control character A, then character B, etc, would indeed be inconvenient. That’s why nobody does that.

With 2 monitors a player can keep open at all times 5 instances of the game and seamlessly move from one to another without any awkward alt-tabbing. Character A moves to the node with 4 on /follow, then Character A/B/C/D/E harvest the node. Character A moves to the next node.

It will add a second or two to a node. It’s not in the least awkward or inconvenient.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
youre joke assumption is that boxers are ONLY boxing because the keyclone software made them do it LOL.
They enjoy the play style guy…they WiLL keep boxing until THAT is made against the rules

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just look up mining leveling guide bfa/wraith/BC etc.

same with engineering.

this webite series has stayed up to date for a long time at least since cataclysm and has never failed me. use it for all my professions.

since expansions are segmented off you will need a new guide for each expansion but they are all on the same site.


i accidentally made up some lies in the OP. happens. its heavily implied and stated im referring to the cloners, but whatever.

You get’em Krutz lol

of course, but your logic is just naturally flawed. absolutely we will still see normal boxxers, and i applaud them for being legitimate players. but this ban happened for a reason(many multiboxers abusing keycloning) thus, we will see a lot less as its no longer convenient for them. but im well aware of boxers loving to start sht on the forum and do their mental gymnastics to troll.

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“Alternative set of facts.”

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