Multiboxing and Herbalism

The flaw of the personal node idea is that at the moment nodes have a cap of 10 gathers before it despawns so there’s no reason for a multibox gatherer to play more than 10 accounts.
If you make zones have personal nodes then the incentive to have more than 10 accounts goes up because no one else can touch the nodes he’ll see.
It might be 1 gather per node but now he has 40 accounts and 40 essentially private zones to gather.

10 can hit a node, yes, but if one hits it, it will despawn shortly after the first hit wether its tapped out or not

That’s true lol

We as a community can do better.

We can try and come up with a system where multi-boxers and non-multi-boxers can live in harmony.

I know that Acti / Blizz isn’t the greatest when it comes to designing systems. But there has to be a way where both can coexist.

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They’d still complain though. It’s what they do best.

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That’s the random loc thing. Then the boxer can’t just stand in the same place and farm. Neither can the bot. Movement when not in sync is the toughest challenge to boxers.

agreed, ban these tyrants

They can’t be too random though. Otherwise you end up with (even more) nodes inside trees and rocks or otherwise inaccessible.

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You would just see 40 druids flying through the air stopping every 2 feet to gather because they have so many personal nodes available to them lol.

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Yes, avoid collision, but randomize times and locs for nodes. Make them personal, so even the grouped team doesn’t see each other’s nodes.

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Now how would that idea be proactive int he argument of, “But they are still getting X amount more nodes than a single player”?

Please do shine a light because none has been so far.


Reminds me of Tiny Tim. I’m just trying to see what ideas people are coming up with that could potentially be the best? system where people could still haev the incentive to multi-box and people that don’t like multi-boxing would have less to complain about.

Not that I think anything other than getting rid of it. But I wouldn’t want to see that happen.

I saw Swifty multiboxing in arena the otherday. I’m disappointed

Despite the flaw I mentioned with it I think personal node system would be the best bet.

Or an even better solution! Possibly the best solution to ever reach the brain of a human :] Enable the ability to log onto multiple characters from the same wow account at the same time :cat:

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What confuses me is that they know that the botting programs are out there. They are complaining more about people that have to sleep and do RL things. yet the bots that don’t have any of those limitations seem to be forgotten about.

People are odd.

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FF14 has a system where everyone sees their own and it will disappear once they node it and won’t effect others And I know people in wow will say then prices will tank. FF14 prices are doing just fine especially current content mats. Plus it does depend on the server similar to wow in that aspect.


It was because of all these anti-multiboxing posts that I decided to try and see what the fuss is about. Turns out its pretty fun. So thanks to everyone who keeps posting these anti-multiboxing threads!


So to recap: The majority of the player base agrees that Multiboxing is a huge problem in many in-game situations from PVP to gathering. My main concern here is Multiboxing and Herbing because it allows players to pay extra real money for a clear unfair advantage. The ability to earn 5x gold as much as a legit player for doing the same action. It’s also bad for the game because these guys camp all of the nodes and burn all of the charges before the legit players can have a chance to farm them. Any rational person would see this as grossly unfair, but surprisingly Blizzard has yet to make any change to remedy this issue.
Collectively we have come up with a few solutions to this problem in this thread:

  • Ban muti-boxers. Probably the most effective and best solution.

  • Randomize and make nodes personal only. Only one character can see them at any location. This would probably be the hardest to implement so probably not the best solution.

  • Make nodes lock out every one for 10 secs.

  • Change nodes to the way they used to be. One herb only.

Let’s keep the good ideas coming. Blizzard is listening for sure right now!

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I started boxing because I 50 capped my first account, you’re right it is more fun than you’d think lol (except melee teams :-1: )