This is pretty much going to be a lie no matter what follows.
Buy some more accounts, stop being so cheap
It’s comments like this that upset people. You know there’s no way for you to know that and you must know saying it will only serve to upset people.
You are the first person I’ve seen say multiboxers “camp” nodes. I’ve never seen anyone sitting around at a node spawn spot or do you mean something else when you say camp?
Gonna keep this thread going until launch so lets keep it up.
TL:DR; Random nodes, random locs, random time, personal. So if node exists, only 1 of your team sees/can loot the node. Makes it prohibitively difficult to make tapping a node efficient, because only 1x character at a time sees/can loot it.
Long form:
Ok, I’m not trying to man-splain anything. I’ll just assume that some of the folks in this thread haven’t actually mutliboxed.
We’ll use the 5x team. I have 5x druids. All herb/mining. I drive from one of them 90% of the time. They are all basically clones of each other, specs/talents/keybinds/macros/etc. We’re keeping this simple. If I’m out and about and see a node. I run up on the driver, just a smidge past the node, so that I’m slightly to the side of the node and the 4 followers are more aligned straight on with it. I have a mouse button that turns on “broadcasting” ← this sends every keystroke and mouse movement to every client, all at once. That’s not how we play most of the time.
The reason being, when you broadcast, the mouse signals are inconsistent. So, while we might turn it on to quickly align the mouse cursor and click, we aren’t just freely playing with mouse movement/control in every game client.
This is important when herbing. Because even if your 5x clients have the same resolution, camera position, etc. Your driver mouse cursor is probably just “slightly” off of your followers. So driver aligns up/side of node. Spams clicks to interact. While broadcasting, the followers spam too, but not in the exact same XYZ coords in their respective clients.
Now, imagine that when you’re out and about only slot 4 sees an herb. You’d a) need to really be watching for that. Unless you focus slot 4 on my screen, slot 4 is like a 400x200 pixel tiny window. I can’t see my mini map nodes. - So then say you DO notice it, but it’s just slot 4, you need to switch to slot 4 and click the node like any single player would.
In the end, someone flying around with 2+ chars would need to effective need to notice the nodes, align their cursors to tap quickly, or switch to the window to handle it. Just like a single account/player would.
It’s against the forum rules to bump threads so I hope you have friends you can enlist to come and comment in the thread for you.
Thanks for all of the great posts keep them coming!
Now you speak for others beside yourself?
Also someone suggested forcing pvp via war mode earlier as a solution. I don’t think this is a very good idea.
Forced PVP for anti-multiboxers sounds like an excellent solution.
If you’re going to use the “reply to other peoples posts so it’s not bumping it’s contributing” strat you should consider spacing out your comments if you plan to keep this thread bumped for 2 months.
All of those ideas would be terrible changes for the health of the game.
Here is an idea though. Make more resource nodes available!
I like the idea of hardware banning all Multiboxers the most. I think that one is in the lead for me. Anymore ideas?
Got anything that could be done in a realistic manner? Because hardware bans are easy to bypass.
Hardware bans are beyond trivial to get around
I wonder if they’ll suggest IP bans next.
I’m curious if bodytriangle will keep to his word and keep this thread bumped for 2 months or if he’ll lose interest.
On a side note its pretty easy to spot someone posting on different toons in the same thread, because you never seem them typing a message at the same time, but there post come out 1 min apart always.
I’m keeping the list of solutions and will update it regularly. I don’t think it will be hard to keep this thread alive with all the interest/posts.
What if they do it days apart in an attempt to fool the other posters here (but not Blizzard who can see your account)?
Or they’re different people who aren’t as obsessed with the thread as you are.