Lol what guy. Someone is desperate to keep his advantage alive.
You forgot posting on his alt characters to make it seem like there are more people “agreeing” with him. It’s weird how the same 2 guys keep posting >1 min apart basically spouting the same dribble.
Blizzard is never going to disallow multiple accounts because of families. They pride themselves on being family friendly when it comes to WoW and they want the family unit to play together.
That’s why a account allows up to 8 accounts at once. So that a large family with aunts and uncles can put their wow accounts all on one battlenet.
If Blizzard says no multiboxing or logging in from the same IP they’ve just said couples can’t play together. Families can’t play together from the same house.
They’re never going to do it. They may kill the software needed to multibox and people to clone their keypresses. But you will never outright get rid of 5 druids taking your herbs. Because it could be a family doing it.
Honestly just let them farm the herbs imo, when it boils down to it they’re doing it for like 50 cents an hour the most boring thing in the world you can have it
Most normal folks will just work an extra couple hours and buy a couple million g anyways
Game quickly has a slippery slope, with some gear quickly turning into “pay to win” with corruption and stuff (especially before the vendor)
Time = money. Therefore, money = time. One dirtbag’s 10 hours per day played = my 5-box in 2 hours played. I have more money. They have more time. Why you mad?
I fought it for years dude no one cares, integrity in games is gone, people want to pay for gold and others want to crawl on their bellies in-game for 50 cents an hour to farm it