Multiboxing and Herbalism

WQs, zone/story quests, islands, warfronts, dungeons. Some lower m+'s. I make my gold from questing. If I herb or mine, it’s just because I was near a node and noticed it, likely using the mats to keep 3x 5-mans stocked with flasks and pots. Do I get 5x as many herbs? Yes, but I’m stocking for 15x chars. :slight_smile:

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Same with my gatherer, If the node happens to be near a quest i’m doing, most of the time I ignore all the nodes.

All my toons are Alchemy/Engineer and hunters are Gatherers. I like making my own flasks but even that, I’ll usually just buy them from the AH. All you need is a 2k gold emissary to replenish.

So whats it called when you use pay a proxy to win?

I multibox to level and roleplay.

Sometimes I use my squads to gank pvpbros who tell people to off themselves or use slurs excessively. Sometimes I chase off pvpbros who are griefing rp events. I don’t even have to engage them. I just show up and people run off.

I don’t farm or go in Warmode.

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Playing on 2 Full servers, I have literally come across this issue zero times. I have not had a Multiboxer attack me since WoD.

They’re involved with WPvP events and at that point the stress they add to the server doesnt really matter because the servers can’t even handle the wpvp 40v40. so yeah.

I Love Multiboxers, they’ve always been interesting to me and entertaining. My only wish is that Prepared would return to Retail.


Since you can’t win it doesn’t matter huh?

I swear these threads are created as a smoke screen from botters to deflect from their activities and take out the competition.


The description of the Spam flag option really needs to be reworked. As it is, it is meant to be used on comments ie “it is not useful or relevant to the current topic” or “it is an advertisement or vandalism” (whatever vandalism means in relation to a post).

“Spam” should mean what most people have always considered it to mean - a post on a topic that is needlessly repetitive and contains no new ideas or content for discussion. While I have personal opinions on mboxing, I don’t feel the need to make a post on a topic that has been beaten to death over the last decade or so and get rather tired of having to constantly mute things so I don’t see them. All these topics do is raise the temperature of GD and create arguments. People need to find other things to talk about rather than something that has no constructive outcome.


Well, thanks to the anti-multiboxers and their redefining of terms, “pay to win” now means “anybody with even a single subscription”.

I’ve been on the forums for 15 years. There has yet to be even a single “well thought out and constructive” post in opposition of multiboxing.

They just did actually.

That article is three weeks old.


Are you purposely trying to misrepresent what we are saying here? I’m saying a person with 5 subscriptions is pay to win ‘not a single one.’

Multi-boxing causes problems in many situations in game that need to be addressed. A Blizzard customer support rep linking to an old TOS isn’t Blizzard devs looking and addressing anything.

Nice try though.

The customer reps can’t just do things on their own.

That’s an official blizzard article updated recently.

Who are you to dismiss it?


Because it’s not the answer they want.


I’m wondering if they think they’re a blizzard employee or something.

Oh he’s furiously typing. He’s going to show me whatfor now.

I guess he thinks the customer support people can just make up rules on their own.

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laughs in Thalassian

There aren’t any problems caused by it.


I’m getting old.

Seriously, why do you even bother?

Rankin : *looks at a multibox thread, jumps in. Skips everything, and then claims anti boxers have said nothing.

Also Rankin : Flags OP, declares thread is redundant. Joins in and makes posts every few minutes anyway.

Again guys please try to follow me here. No one is saying that Multi-boxing is currently against the TOS. We are shining a light on disruptive gameplay that is obviously bad for the game. It puts players who don’t pay for 5 subs and 5 copies of the game at a disadvantage in many situations in-game. It is forcing players to pay real money to be on an equal playing field.

You p2w multi-boxers can try to disrupt the conversation by repeatedly asking for evidence that has already been given multiple times, trying changing the subject, trying to flag this topic as spam or whatever shady tactics you feel like trying to quiet us legit players down so you can continue to get away with having your unfair advantage; but his is undeniable.