Multiboxing and Herbalism

Multiboxers are not “pay to win”, neither are they cheating. And there’s a side order of ad hominem.

This is what Bodytriangle considers a “solid” argument.


If you multibox purely to farm faster then yes it is pay to win farming

You are paying extra currency for the ability to farm 2x 3x 4x or even faster

This is pay to win, you know this

Paying to win would then apply to anyone with even a single subscription. Doubly so for people who have purchased the expansion.

I personally do not care for multiboxing, or those to do it, but Blizzard allows it (for reasons) so what can you do?

Not pay to win hahahaha good one.

Please try to follow me here.

I hope I’m not taking this out of context, but please hear me out.

I think they said it best. This topic is NOT about many situations. This topic is about Herbalism and how Multi-boxing impacts it.

If you’re going to tell the multi-boxers that you’re trying to shine a light. Could you be so kind as to keep that light on the topic instead of moving the goalpost? Is that the term used?

So with that all out of the way, what are the issues that multi-boxers are creating that has to do with herbs?

I would also then ask, is this issue caused by multi-boxers or is it caused by botters? Maybe it’s a bit of both?

Does one or the other cause more of an issue to the overall enjoyment of the community that is trying to gather herbs? I would say the botting community is way more detrimental to the herbing community because the scripts involved allow them to run and play the game 24 / 7. I don’t know of many / any multi-boxers that can do that for a sustainable amount of time.

If the issue is about herbs flooding the market. Is that really any different than people flipping and sniping on the AH as is? Someone decides to buy a boat load of cheap stuff and then turns around and floods the market with the stuff that was already there, just at a different price?

If the issue is about herbs and farmers not being able to sell their wares for X amount of money. It is a free market right? You can sell your wares for whatever you want. I just don’t think people should complain when people are getting undercut like it’s a bad thing. Everyone is trying to sell their stuff, people use whatever tactics they can to sell. It’s how the AH works. Welcome to the world of marketing competition?

If the issue is that there are certain herbs only spawning at certain spots. Maybe try and convice Acti / Blizz to increase where these herbs spawn.

I think there are things that people can do to help thjemselves out. Sadly, we as humans generally go the path of least resistance. And instead of changing how we do things it’s always easier to just yell GET RID OF X! because that means we didn’t have to change anything we do.

Tell yourself this about anything

If you can pay to win all the dps what do you win? Nothing physical, this is a dumb argument, you win the ability to farm currency at an accelerated rate

If we stay purely on topic yes the ability to multibox herbs cripples the profits of the average joe competing with them

It makes the game worse in that area, no question

If multiboxing is pay to win, then you have redefined the term so broadly that it applies to anyone with a subscription.

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Talk about putting your head on the sand

Or anyone that has bought a token for $20 to sell on the AH.

I’ve already stated my issues with herbalism and multi-boxing many times. Others brought up the other situations into the conversation not me. If you want said issues scroll up and read my post.

That of course is literal pay to win

There are infinitely more average Joes farming than there are multiboxers.

Don’t you think that those average Joes are inflating the market more than a handful of multiboxers are?


Which you haven’t actually been able to clarify what the problem is beyond “I want to get rid of competition so I can price gouge on the AH”.


Dude pays $20/X amount of gold. Then buys out auctions/resells for profit. Then buys tokens to resell for RMT. Pay to win to pay your rent. There is no spoon.

And there are way more botters out there than there are multiboxers. That’s the real problem that these people want to ignore. Must be a reason for that.

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Nope you are wrong and its obvious to anyone who has actually read any of this thread. Please read!

“Not a lot of people are doing it so it doesn’t matter”


But I did read the thread. You’re just mad because I didn’t reach the same twisted conclusion as you.