Nope. If you tame it, they don’t get anything. So people trying to get mounts from the world boss end up having to wait another 15 minutes and hope there’s no other Hunters waiting to tame as well.
Definitely, I mean at least give it a shot until you get more of your abilities/talents to have a fair assessment of the class and it’s specs.
Clearly this is unfair and we should ban hunters.
This calls for a new thread!
Posting in yet another multiboxing thread.
No no, this is now a mega-meta-topic-thread!
I see the bad arguments are still coming in from the Multi-boxers. Still No valid points? Not surprised. Lets deflect and change the narrative to a hunter discussion. Nice try.
You seem to be confused. It’s the anti-multiboxers that have yet to present anything resembling a coherent argument in the past 15 years.
I am still waiting for your valid points.
I think it’s more so you’re just denying them what is pretty reasonable critiques of the system
So you’re playing stupid or you’re completely blind. Which one is it?
Yes and we should all continue to do so until this p2w loop hole is closed. This is how things get done here. Just look at all of the GCD threads in the past, and now look at the blue post today. BAM! Change!
Only the lame Multi-boxers say things like this to try to sweep this crap under the rug so they can keep on with their abusive gameplay. Sorry guys we are gonna continue to shine a light on this until something happens.
Why would you care how many posts there are about this topic unless you are scared it will get changed?
Why you think while you’re trying to cancel my playstyle I will sit here and say nothing? I’m not cheating blizz, keep multiboxer alive! Playing a single toon is too easy for me, I need more challenges, make the game even more multiboxer friendly.
More 5 man content!
Or we can look at Pathfinder that continues to be unchanged.
I’m not a multiboxer.
You’re not shining a light on anything with all the misinformation that gets tossed around by the anti-multiboxing club.
Not scared at all. Just annoyed at seeing this spam clogging up the forums every day.
Wrong again. Pathfinder is being removed from WoD, and Legion. And unless you know something we don’t…It hasn’t been made clear exactly how that will work in SL yet.
Riiiight… lol
Yeah, they have made it clear it will still exist in SL and BFA. They have changed the requirements for it in SL.
I enjoy all the spam topics on it. I never get any valid reasons to have it removed.
Way to miss the point. Pathfinder will continue to exist in current content, aka Shadowlands.
I am right though. There hasn’t been a single anti-multiboxer that has shown that they know anything about how multiboxing actually works.
So you admit that a change was made in SL? Nice! Glad we can agree that change can happen. Thanks for arguing against yourself for me.
Yeah, they change Pathfinder to be Pathfinder once again. You know Blizzard always trying to perfect time gating.
I really want you to give me a reason why multiboxing should be removed.