Maybe to the OP, it is. Do you know how far he had to scroll down to find another recent one like it? The GD buries posts regularly.
You should apply for a job on the Blizzard forums!
If only there was some sort of search function.
Is that why your name is Forums?
I’ve been playing since I was in my mid-twenties, I never once tried multi-boxing until three months ago and I’m now in my early forties. I’ve learned a long time ago not to worry about what someone says to me in-game or on the forum.
I play as much as I do because it’s something I’ve enjoyed for a third of my life and I don’t intend on giving up doing what I enjoy and what brings me comfort.
In 2019 I had to stop working due to life happening. No one cares about that, nor do I expect them to. I just mention that because I have the time and means of having more than one account. Since the end of May of this year, I’ve had six accounts active. I multi-box on a daily basis and I really enjoy that aspect of it for the last three months.
I don’t think it’s something I’m going to do for the rest of my WoW life cycle, but I make no apologies about it. I worked hard my entire life and saved money, so whatever I spend in-game wasn’t by having unlimited amounts of gold to buy accounts or extra Shadowland accounts. I worked my butt off since I was a teen.
I spoke to a gamemaster two days ago because if people see you multiboxing ingame, there will come a time that a person will harrass you. I had that happen to me when I was doing an assault. Someone decided to stalk me and follow me around, harrassing me incessantly.
I can understand the disdain for multi-boxers, however, harrassing me ingame and trying to bully me into no longer multi-boxing will have zero impact on me emotionally or mentally. I will not succumb to someone trying to tell me how to spend my money, how to enjoy my free time… I worked my fingers to the bone my entire life. Now, I no longer can.
So, doing something I enjoy doing on a daily basis… I make no apologies for.
I spoke to a gamemaster several days ago due to being harrassed recently. They told me to report the individual that harrasses me for multiboxing.
Be upset about multi-boxers all you want. Tell Blizzard how much you hate it and why. That’s what the forum is for. To have discussions on why you think something is good or bad for the game.
Personally, I buy low and sell high on the auction house. My multi-boxing purposes aren’t to PVP, I don’t PVP on any level at all. It wasn’t to dominate the gathering industry, I farm herbs and ores minimally.
I use my multi-boxing mainly to level myself through dungeons. Have more options to unlock transmog sets in raids. More options to go for a mount in a legacy raid. Doing events like world quests, assaults.
Even when I didn’t multi-box, I still had 50 characters pretty much max leveled. Getting rid of multi-boxing won’t get rid of the amount of characters that I will play.
I enjoy doing it, I probably won’t multi-box for the rest of my game-life cycle, but for now, I will continue to do so and not worry about what someone thinks of me.
I’m a Demon Hunter with a username that many will probably call unoriginal. I will probably be judged in here harshly by many people. You know what? I’m okay with that. i don’t troll on the forum. I’ve never made threads or posts to troll people. I’ve never harrassed people ingame for the decade and a half I’ve been playing. I’ve never made threads or posts to harrass or bully someone because their opinion differed to mine.
I respect people’s right and ability to voice their opinions, concerns and criticism openly and freely, just as I have those same rights.
What I do ingame is allowed by the EULA. I am not in violation of any of the terms that I agreed to. I spend lots and lots of real life money on this game. That’s fine with me. I have no kids, I’m not married anymore, I live alone… I enjoy what I do… I make no apologies for doing what I enjoy doing.
I will not respond back to troll posts, bullying posts, I don’t do that on here. Voice your concerns and opinions respectfully and I’ll give the same in return.
Yeah. Some way to ConTRoL + Find what you’re looking for.
No, Blizzard forum moderators are entry-level, minimum wage jobs that follow a very vague (deliberately) set of guidelines. You do not even have to have a high school diploma to get hired as one. There are too many rookie mistakes I’ve seen that would drive me nuts and I’d be inclined to say something however, I do not like when I see co-workers complain about the performance of each other and do not want to be a hypocrite.
There is but without specific definition on how old a post has to be, we can’t assume much.
This falls into the same bucket as “necro posting.” How old does something have to be to be a “necro?” I’ve seen people complain to others who post in threads that were not that old for “necroing” but if you make a new thread, you’re told “use the search function and post in one already made.”
It was my grandfather’s name.
The search function has a sort by latest thread option.
Correct but where is the criteria for how far back you have to go?
If a topic is popular enough to be considered spam, then you wouldn’t have to go back very far at all.
I look forward to reporting those people because while they may report me for being a bot Blizz will see I’m obviously not but when I report them for the spicy things they say they’ll get silenced.
If I sense someone is trying to guilt or grief me I’m doubling down
This is why I started multiboxing, capped my account and wanted more characters I just dinged my 123rd 120 a few minutes ago
I like it
Seriously though. Why don’t nodes follow personal loot/phasing rules? Like why can’t they just have it where each node is up for each character. Like is there a technical reason why this is not a thing? They do it for quest interactables.
“Very far” is still subjective.
I’m not trying to gaslight you or anything, it’s just that people delve too far into what they feel is spam.
If the exact same topic was posted shortly within the same range and all in the top, that’s absolutely spam. Most people who spam are doing so deliberately. Making a thread and reasonably not knowing there was one not long ago does not mean you’re spamming.
Can you imagine how many 20 boxers we’d have? WHoooooow buddy.
Blizzard likes having players fight each other over things. Just look at them making world bosses tameable instead of adding alternative mobs with the same models.
They don’t want too many herbs to be available over all. This change would also hurt my flipping profits.
I’ve never played a hunter but I thought I read somewhere that even if someone tames it, others can still loot or something? Maybe I read that wrong.
Totally possible. Like some of the quest object interactions that are completely personal. Thing glows. You click. Personal to you.
Yeah, this isn’t possible. In fact, you can make a lot of people mad by taming it before they can kill it.
I don’t disagree with your idea but some couples gather together and I think they would be unhappy with it.
Fair enough, I may have read it wrong. I’ve just never played a hunter before. Only class I’ve never (really) played to be honest. I’ve tried… but get 2 levels and I’m like “yeah, I can’t do this” and delete.
Maybe I should tough it out?