Multiboxers: Okay... Why?

The squeaky wheel gets the grease, or it should, otherwise you’d have a real problem on your hands if you ignore it.

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They keep prices in check on the AH on my server.

Also plenty of people. I know more people who don’t use any forum of any type that play.

But the thing is 20 people could have done the same thing and there would have been nothing you could do about it. A group of 20 people is stronger than a group of 20 MB.

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I thought we told you to sop bringing popcorn :popcorn: cus everyone in the community is getting diabetes lol


Hmm I need to get a bunch of people to start spamming threads about Pathfinder and why it needs to go.

Oh wait never mind that has been done and it is still here :nauseated_face: :smiley:


So you’re sayings it’s fair we need to get a whole raid group to take down just one person?

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Think again. It’s being removed from two zones.

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No… I’m saying you need a raid to take down a raid.

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It will be here in SL

One person shouldn’t be allowed to be able to do that kind of thing alone.

Least it’s not being required in zones that are very old content. I say that’s fair.

Fair enough and that’s what the debate is about. I don’t think it matters since it’s so rare, especially the numbers you’re talking about (20 toons = 3 seperate bnets.)

It gives you an advantage, the same way grouping up does.

Why play a Rogue at all?

Because some people find it fun. Why do people have to justify the way they play all of a sudden? What’s wrong with just letting people play the game in peace?

Oh, right, because this is just another very thinly veiled “ban multiboxing” thread.

Hey look, yet another known Multiboxxer.


Ok Gallows I think its time to find a different popcorn then this guy. I won’t mention his name since the last time I did it got deleted out of a thread lol :smiley: :smile:

I would argue it only gives one, maybe two advantages. MB aren’t the gods people think they are or they would dominate arenas and RBGs.

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Lol yeah true I will never understand why so much work and money is worth it to do things like that to just to troll people or whatever else they do especially if they have like more than 5 characters.

I actually don’t have a problem with Pathfinder, just think we shouldn’t have to wait six months to finish it.

Seriously? Lol oh well thanks to all the popcorn the healers around here are making good :moneybag: I’m open for anyone who eats too much popcorn :popcorn:

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OH my bad. I should have brought breakfast. Well I did I just didn’t bring enough. :grin: