Multiboxers: Okay... Why?

How can it be defined as cheating or even “like cheating” if it’s allowed? Cheating is doing something that is against the rules. Multi-boxing is not against the rules. Blizzard has stated they are good with Multi-boxing. Therefore, it’s not cheating.

You may not like it, but it’s not cheating.

This is a very old way of thinking. ISBoxer is FTL (Focusless, Targetless, Leaderless). A good boxer isn’t going to fall apart because you killed the “leader.”

You can’t spray air freshener on a pile of :poop: and tell people it’s no longer :poop:.

You must not explore the continent very much. Just Google some of the hyper spawns BFA has and behold! Hundreds of dead bodies from a multiboxxxer botting vendor gold. Or just check out some of the instanced farm content where multiboxxers go in and out all day like clockwork.
Or perhaps you can see the overabundance of mats on the AH. I see them atleast a few times a week. Trust me I say its really annoying when you see 10 players all on auto follow grabbing a node.

  1. I don’t know it is cheating.
  2. I don’t think it is irresponsible or greedy
  3. I don’t know it is wrong.
  4. I don’t hate it.

BTW, I’m not a multi-boxer. Way too lazy to do that.

Blizzard knows how much the vast majority of the community hates it and if they weren’t getting money off of it they would have banned multiboxing yeaaaaaaaars ago! They just deny the fact that it’s wrong because more accounts mean more money for them. That’s greedy and irresponsible to allow it to happen when they know how big of a problem it is amongst the community just for the money.


you know what i hate more than multi-boxers? Vulperan. Completely useless race just invented out of nowhere so blizz could appeal to the ‘OMG SO CUTEEEE’ casual pet battler/RP folks. Literally no reason that race should have one iota the player power of every other race

I would give everyone a multi-box account if it meant getting rid of Vulpera for good

multi-boxing isn’t botting. you give yourself away as an idiot who should be ignored when you say stuff like that

You sound triggered.

Point to me on this doll where the big bad Vulpera hurt you.

How could they possibly know that? Can’t go off the forums since that’s not a “vast majority” of the playerbase and there hasn’t been a poll I’m aware of.

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People have been complaining about it ever since the day it started and I can’t go even 3 days without seeing a new thread on the forums about Multiboxing.

There are so many threads and not to mention I have talked to many people in game that completely about it to if something keeps getting complaints about for years then it’s obvious people are not happy with it.


That’s fine, but what makes you think that is the vast majority of the playerbase and not the oft mentioned “vocal minority”.

The mount contest should have proved that to people. Millions play WoW. My guess is some where between 3.5 to 5 million. Anyways, not even 200k voted in the poll. So… 6% at the most? Roughly? Come to the website, let alone the forums.

Hey step off with the rude comments. No need to be an ignorant bigot and assume. I wasnt saying multiboxxing is botting. If you had even the slightest remnant of brain cells left over sickle cell boy you would be able to understand.

I watch multiboxxing druids bots mess up all the time. Either they got them programmed to stand still when players approach to prevent reports or they genuinely break, I don’t know. Hell do some searches on YouTube of multiboxxers using programs to automate each one of their clients.

I will say this though. Multiboxing is degenerate. Needs to be unallowed for people to do.


I appreciate you don’t like it.

That doesn’t mean the “vast majority” have a problem with it. Unless you can support that with actual proof, it’s just your view. Which is no more “proof” of the majority than my opinion is.

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I’d probably remove this

Multibox for easy gold from farming, that and back in the day it was fun to have 5+ shamans chain lightning someone.

Ok fair point nothing without a poll at least can be proven that the vast majority agrees. You are right.

But it’s still obvious that a tooooon of people have problems with it and it’s obvious why Blizzard won’t do anything about it.

Like one time I was in the Dalaran sewers just having a good time messing around with everyone down there then all the sudden this Multiboxer with at least 20 characters Came down and just took over the entire place everyone tried but nobody together could do a thing people were just bashing him cus they could farm for the mount I left I came back two hours later he was still there! The place was dead besides him.

Making the place completely unplayable for hours.

So with mountain of threads saying #pulltheripcord then that means they should pull it.

Also before someone gets mad I am not either side of that debate lol :smiley:

You know it.

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