Multiboxers: Okay... Why?

Exactly, it is a lot of work or money. Someone with 20 accounts has to either farm up 2.8 million gold or fork over $300 a month. I just don’t see many people doing that.


Yeah it was kind of funny

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Yes bring lots and lots of pancakes! :yum: :pancakes::pancakes::pancakes::pancakes::pancakes::pancakes::pancakes::pancakes::pancakes::pancakes::pancakes::pancakes::pancakes::pancakes::pancakes::pancakes::pancakes::pancakes::pancakes::pancakes::pancakes::pancakes::pancakes::pancakes::pancakes::pancakes::pancakes::pancakes::pancakes::pancakes::pancakes::pancakes::pancakes::pancakes::pancakes::pancakes::pancakes::pancakes::pancakes::pancakes::pancakes::pancakes::pancakes::pancakes::pancakes::pancakes::pancakes::pancakes:

And don’t forget the bacon :bacon: for the Orcs lol they eat bacon for breakfast everyday!

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People need to realize many more people play then use any type of forum related to WoW.

And I got these yummie :fried_egg: :sandwich:!! So good in the morning.

Yeah everyone comes onto the forums sometimes and finds that message saying your post was removed. You figure out which one it was and like what why?! How was bad? Lol

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Oh :fried_egg: sandwiches?!?! :sandwich: Yuuuuummy!

Because Blizzard says so,
and it’s their game,
so they get to decide,
now go to your room.

:cry: B… But I didn’t do anything wrong! :sob:

NOW Mister!!!

runs away and slams the :door:


You forgot to tell him he’s not your real mom.

What does that have to do with what I said? I literally said “you may not like it”. I’m not arguing whether people like it or not. I’m arguing that it’s not cheating because A) it’s not against TOS and B) Blizzard has explicitly said it’s not cheating.

You can counter that by stating it is cheating and then providing reasons why/how it’s cheating.

Other arguments (to what I said) are invalid.


I would say it’s moot only until you get people crashing servers with toy and spell spam.

Ok I used to multibox in WotLK. I shared this before on another boxing thread, but I’ll go over your questions.

How does it not give you an advantage in PVP?

Multiboxing in PVP is a double edge sword. I’ll use my five shamans as an example. In random BGs, it was a disaster. No one, not even the most geared players, stood a chance against my shamans. Flame shock and lavaburst and they were dead.

There were games where I would go to Galv’s room in AV and just stop an entire push. Pop fire elemental and blood lust and they weren’t killing the boss. Mostly because random BGs are full of uncoordinated teams.

The negative side is in structured PVP. I did do arena with my shamans. I was not the best. Far from it. I peaked at like 1958 or something close to that. Close to 2k which was good enough for me. Again, it was a horrible. I’d target the healer and delete them from the game right out of the gate. However, when I started getting up there in the ranks, I’d get shut down. People knew how to play against multiboxers and my cheese gimmicks didn’t work anymore.

For PVP multiboxing is unfair in unstructured PVP and unfair until around 2,000 rating when people know how to beat it.

How does it not give you an advantage in PVE?

Multiboxing doesn’t give an advantage in PVE. I’m in a separate instance or raid. I’ve effectively made world of warcraft a single player game at that point. I don’t think people who are multiboxing M+15s are doing anything negative to the game. They really don’t interact with anyone.

Last question, why multibox at all?

So I started multiboxing because I fell victim to five shamans in AV. I thought the person was cheating. I googled it and found out it was totally legal. The same day, I bought Keyclone (old multibox program) and five trial accounts. I figured out the basics and just went with it.

Multiboxing to me was buying power. I was not a good player. I’ve never been a top player, maybe average during WotLK. But controlling five shamans gave me so much power. Like I stated previously, I could delete anyone in the game in pretty much two button clicks. Three if you count elemental mastery.

I think the folks who multibox tend to introverts. They tend to be people who are super busy IRL and just like to play on their own time. Multiboxing PVE is certainly a challenge and it’s pretty fun trying to play all the roles. PVP, especially these mass PVPers with 20+ toons, I don’t understand them. That seems like it’d get boring fast.

I quit multiboxing after about a year or so doing it. Multiboxing really puts you in a bubble. You become a sort of sideshow at a circus. You’re an oddity in the game, but you hardly interact with other people. At least I didn’t. But I didn’t have any reason to do so. I could do everything aside from raiding by myself.

At that point World of Warcraft wasn’t fun anymore. I had removed the MMO part of the game. It just became a single player RPG that I played with myself, which was boring.

I hope that provided some insight from an ex-multiboxer.

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I remember watching some videos on YouTube about this guy multiboxing in bgs god the enemy teams had no chance! Lol especially the flag carrier’s he one shot them all practically. Those 5 Hunters man even though he was half the team he prob didn’t need the other 5 except one person to grab the flag for him

I wouldn’t be impressed if he was doing a typical random bg where 40% of the team is doing everything else besides the objective.

I would want to see a 5 team MB (just using your example) take down a team of 5 arena mates.

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Yeah a team of actual good players that know what they are doing could beat a multiboxer in bgs

Lol yeah I am sure the MB would lose unless the team was just realllllly bad and stupid

Hi guys! :wave:

Great way to start the day.

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