Multi Class/Tier CE Raider LF CE Guild

Hi All,

Really looking to get back to Alliance. I have a pretty good history of raiding at ~US 175 level

US 150 - Garrosh
US 175 - Archimonde
US 165 - Argus
US 18 - Shriekwing
US 37 - Altimore

Stopped raiding for personal reasons and because the guild I was in Illidan extended their raid times to 1 am. I thought I could handle it but that is to late for me at this point.

Willing to play:
-Resto Shaman - 220
-Disc/Shadow Priest -202
-Hunter - 185 fresh
-HPally - fresh

Aucy - Mal’Ganis - Warcraft Logs
Aucy - Mal’Ganis - Warcraft Logs

Last time I dps’d
Aucey - Area 52 - Warcraft Logs

Looking for raid times 9-12 EST 3 day pref with no weekends.

If I pass the trial, I will xfer a second char of the same role to prepare for next tier.

Discord: Aucy#3722
