Bs. Multiboxers dont need to schedule time, pool resources with other humans, coordinate movement or abilities, or even care if someone has irl issues. The mutliboxer has every advantage over solo and group players.
Except multiboxxing isn’t degenerative towards gameplay at all. It’s usually more helpful in gameplay than people who come on the forums asking for it’s removal. The farming of an herb to reduce it to the bare minimum of wow token value/time spent is good for absolutely everybody, as it means players who have individual time to go do M+, raids, etc. Can be spent doing that, whereas the mundane task of farming herbs that takes no skill can be done in bulk.
Is already banned.
Not exclusive to multiboxing or tokens
Imagine not knowing what deflation is and why it’s harmful.
You are telling me your friends go out and herb and at the end they all give you the herbs and gold? So you see 1 node and get 5 herbs or take all the cloth and gold dropped from killing mobs? Where did you find these slaves?
I have nearly 10 million gold at the moment and have spent several million over the past couple years. And that’s all with a single account. Multiboxing is not as big of an advantage as you think it is.
So you are saying they spend all this money so they can farm and make gold that they use to turn into high level gear.
That anyone can do just by buying tokens with real money for less than the multi-boxer is paying per month.
Thats not really a sound argument.
That’s every multibox defender i’ve spoken to recently. they only see it as “cheaper prices” without any of the consequences that come with that.
Again, if you had friends who played when you do, there is no coordination at all. You all group up and herb, and thus get all the benefits. We’re getting back to the, “I’m upset I don’t have friends online when I play” argument, which is the whole point. A multiboxer has no “advantage” over you and a group of friends. If you’re upset by them it’s more likely due to the fact that you don’t have friends to play with you, not that multiboxers get some kind of advantage, and rather than accept that fact, you want Blizzard to ban them.
Hey, neither was you using PVP and raiding to explain why multiboxxers aren’t destroying the economy, but you still said it anyway.
He says, ironically supporting the people who have no friends so buy 10 versions of WoW to play by themselves and damage everyone elses gameplay.
Imagine thinking that farming of a commodity leads to deflation, the reduction in the value of a currency.
But Multiboxing gives them an upper hand.
Everyone knows Multiboxers ruin the market with their mass supply that only benefits them.
Farming doesn’t MASS farming does.
Skill in making gold is a bigger advantage
Actually, I was using the PVP and Raiding to explain how they are not paying to win.
I celebrate the destruction of the economy and highly encourage everyone to multi-box because it helps me.
Wrong. We would earn exactly 1/5 each of what a multiboxer would get for himself. You are also assuming we would always want to share with each other. Meanwhile the multiboxer does not have to deal with such human things. Everything is for them all the time and no one can complain because everyone is a drone of that multiboxer. Nor does the multiboxer ever have to schedule things with his drones. The multiboxer just boots up multiple programs and away they go
It literally does in this case, which has been explained. You simply think that because goods are extremely cheap that is somehow a good thing. It isn’t.
The multiboxer also has to farm enough to justify either 80 dollars a month or close to a million of gold generated for the economy. There is absolutely no “advantage” they are paying for.