Ban anti-multiboxing threads. The forumbots flock to them like bugs to a bug zapper.
Multi Boxxing isnt pay to win… I have 2 accounts myself and have not paid for a sub in years… WoW tokens are awesome.
And a person with more accounts then me can obviously grind more gold.
Therefor no money has been spent by the multi-boxxer, so it cant be pay to win if no real money was paid.
Mtiboxing is garbage. The multiboxers play a RTS game with a bunch of drones while the rest of us play single player wow.
I’ll stop when you can explain to me what they are winning. The top PVP arena teams arnt multi-boxers. The top raid teams don’t use mutli-boxers. The top mythic plus teams dont use multi-boxers.
In any measure of how to win WoW, multi-boxers are not doing it.
I don’t need to make gold off proffesions. I make it from other stuff. So the multi-boxer is helping me by making flasks and potions cheaper and keeping extra money in my pockets.
An utterly insignificant amount of money compared to the $6.49 billion that Activision-Blizzard made last year.
Anyone who says “it’s about the money” is just regurgitating a lame conspiracy theory.
The actual reason that multiboxing is allowed is because Blizzard sees it as an interesting alternative way to play the game.
Guess what. I don’t multibox, and at any point when I’m online I can get 4 friends to help me. So I’m paying to win? Your argument is flawed since they aren’t gaining any advantage that you and an equal number of people could do, WITHOUT paying. If anything they are disadvantaged due to the fact they are paying more, and then less effective in pvp.
Where? Where has this been said.
Pay to win doesn’t mean winning a game, it means buying power, progress or the ability to skip ahead. Multiboxing is by definition pay to win, so is buying a level boost (just much less harmful)
At least understand what the term means if you’re going to argue over it.
When you play with your friends do they give you all the herbs/loot and gold earned doing whatever you guys do together?
Yeah, sure, use methods of the game that have nothing to do with what multiboxxers are doing to ruin the economy, to show me how they aren’t ruining the economy.
So because it doesn’t affect you directly, it’s cool right? You don’t use the auction house to make money, so therefore it’s fine right? Screw that dude, how entitled can you be? hundreds of thousands of people make their gold off professions, That’s 100% fact. just because you don’t doesn’t change the fact that massively overinflating supply vs demand is terrible for the game’s economy.
Therefore, can multiboxing be considered an exploit?
No. We consider it be an alternative playstyle; not everyone can do it, but if a person is willing to devote the concentration and capital to such a venture–legitimately–we’re perfectly fine with it. Five multiboxed accounts can be feared and CCed just like five solo accounts.
The devs waste so much time on professions. Multiboxers openly destroy economies making many players like you and me feel its worthless to pursue professions unless we also multibox. Which is garbage game design and a huge waste of developer time that a large chunk of their player economy comes from souless player drones.
This is what contributes to players feeling like there is less content than what devs actually make.
If you’re not multi boxing you’re gimping yourself. Which is fine, not everyone has to try to be as powerful as possible.
When we all herb, we sure do. Kinda how it works when you herb as a group. Almost as if multiboxers don’t really have an advantage over a group of people, cause you know, they don’t.
Lets ban multi-botting already Blizzard!
Notice how Blizzard removes twinks from XP on battlegrounds (and rightly so) because it’s purely degenerative gameplay and makes the game worse for the majority of players, yet multiboxing which is also purely degenerative gameplay and damages everyones experience but the multiboxer themselves, it’s perfectly ok.
The real reason they haven’t banned it is because they allowed it initially, people bought a load of game licences and now if they suddenly banned it they’d essentially be taking away something people bought, they don’t “support” multiboxing at all, they just tied their own hands.
They’re winning in economy, economy, economy and, oh? what’s this? economy.
Its no surprise that multiboxers rack in the big stacks And you know what you can buy with that gold? WoW tokens, and you know what else WoW tokens do? Give you 15$!
Never ending loop of Subscriptions
And on top of that with all the gold boxxing easily makes them, they can just buy the highest ilvl pieces of gear they want off the AH. Like them juicy Mythic BoE’s.
They wouldn’t be racking in the amount of gold they have at the rate they do if it weren’t for multiboxxing. So yes, Multiboxing is an advantage.
Why is it unhealthy? It’s a hobby. And a pretty harmless one at that. You might as well say it’s unhealthy to buy a car to restore it.
Watched it, multiboxing is fine.