Multi boxing is fine eh?

I find it pretty sad that they are still attacking multiboxing when BOTTING is the issue. Bots farm so much more and is much more prevalent than multiboxers have ever been…

But hey, lets keep focusing on ridding ourselves of something that affects the markets / game in no meaningful way…

Enjoy the upcoming influx of even more bots since they now have absolutely no competition for mats.


Bots also use automation. It’s two problems under the same umbrella.

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Botting always has been against the rules, that doesn’t stop people from doing it to make IRL money. It isn’t like gold farmers / sellers are going to all of a sudden say “OMG Blizz just said we can’t do this… guess we’ll pack up our stuff and go legit now”.

What their latest actions have done is allowed botters to have access to every node. Now they can set up their waypoints to check herb/ore nodes with a higher chance of getting them. Before, they might find that their bots were following a multiboxer who tapped the entire node, thus reducing their income.

So… now botting is more lucrative and will become more frequent for herbs and ore farming. Instead of fighting someone who might be farming for a couple hours, you now get to deal with bots farming 24/7.


it is, by definition of

Actually, you can still multibox :slight_smile:


Every change they make that doesn’t actually ban multiboxing makes it MORE efficient to do it because people will quit over it so there’s less people in the market, gg :+1:


What a bunch of blowhards

Multiboxing is still fine!


do you not understand the difference between multiboxing and botting, or do you not care? i want to make sure we’re clear on whether you’re being intentionally dishonest or you’re just uninformed.


unfair? lol.
YOU can box any time you choose to. There is nothing ‘unfair’ about it.


they know its not the same thing. Conflating is the only way to make it SEEM like there is a legit argument against boxing, lol.


Running more than one wow client simultaneously is most definitely streamlining, down from operating multiple distinct machines running separate OSs. It definitely is streamlining.


that’s just two dirty cheating birds with one stone

At this point all I want to do is have a max level character follow me around while I level, and now apparently using anything that keeps it on follow is against TOS? There’s little point to multiboxing at all now.

You’re certain blizzard’s (or activision’s I guess…I don’t think blizzard is much more than a logo at this point) intent is for one person to only use one account at a time, I assume.

It does not affect botters in anyway whatsoever.

No, that is not their intent, multiboxing is fine as long as you just do it manually.

I’m genuinely curious… Don’t you think if the end goal here was to just flat out ban multiboxing, Blizzard would just announce a new policy that just says ‘Multiboxing is no longer permitted, period’?

Edit - spelling


I’m so happy blizzard is making things harder for Multiboxers, they really are scummy people at the end of the day and have an addiction problem most of us can’t understand. They hid behind ToS forever and now that’s no good they’re actually here trying to defend the merits of boxing lol. Imagine if Warzone hackers said, “aimbotting is fine, we all have access to hacks, just use them”. Pretty comical imo, so glad they’re disappearing FAST!

Only the fairweather boxers are disappearing, the tried and true boxers are just going to adapt if they haven’t already.


Oh I didn’t realize there was a hardcore non loser aspect to boxing lmao. Anyhow, any boxer who quits is a step in the right direction.